Hello to all my darlings!
On Monday, for me, is absolutely the best day of the week because I'm home and very often I can dedicate myself to a beautiful and healthy day of shopping! Yesterday
fact I went with a friend of mine from IKEA and I made various little things that I needed .. better buy? No doubt the
scented candles (they smell heavenly, not I certainly could not leave them there!)
Plus I like the atmosphere they create and also switched off immediately with their color brighten the room!
As I'm a maniac of the "organized shopping" the morning I took a look at the site to mark the purchases that I should do .. and fishing around here and there I found some really nice and inspiring pictures!
Warning: If you do not you feel, an immense desire to run in the nearest furniture store does not look at these pictures heheh:)

Yes, one of my many flowers for 2011 is to keep the room tidy and above all to make the most of my small bathroom room .. Business
titanic, I can assure you!
On another Saturday, armed with various discounts and promotions, I headed to Green shop because I had an absolute need of a face cream and body cream (waiting for the arrival of my order fitocose !)
-I state that I know that Bottega green, green , the shop has only
-that are not absolutely organic products, this
no doubt that some things-for the price they are really legalized robbery
Ok, this premise .. I went there the same! In fact, some products I really liked and ingredients, while not completely natural, are good and superior to many other brands. In addition to the discounts of 50% often or do I send home the price of each product was accettabilissimo!
Here's what I bought:
Here are my personal opinions of these products, adding that I'm using them for a few days and then are just first impressions!
1. CREAM Bioecological (full price: 22,90)

reading positive reviews on the page of ' angle lola and being a totally green line just definitely wanted to try this face cream!
Unfortunately it is not right for my skin, because it is a lightweight cream that absorbs really in a blink and it is perfect for skin grasse.Per my face does not provide enough moisture and I feel that the skin pulls. So I decided to close it and wait for the arrival of summer .. the heat will definitely perfect for me!
2. MUD CELLULITE CREAM THE DEAD SEA MUD (full price: € 27.90)

Although this had always heard good things about the page dedicated to this product on ' angle lola and I must say it was a good purchase ! The smell is very distinctive and strong enough but I must say that I do not mind. Of course, wonders for cellulite does not make them (like any cream ) but I'm combining the gym (and I'm trying to drink more water) and I have to say is that I really like . Just put feel a slight pull, as if you were firmer skin after just passing but leaves the skin soft and supple.
I personally I recommend it then .. few months will tell whether or not there has been significant progress:) For the time being to those who want a moisturizer while toning.

The line with pomegranate, with regard to the INCI, is the best line shop that produces green (of course after that bio). Being in the baskets on offer in 1euro I wanted to buy this body cream is safe when it is finished I will come back because it has a good fragrance and because it stretches well and moisturize! I
I recommend it!
4.LIP BALM ALOE (price pieno:8,99euro)

Ho la sensazione che per tutta la mia vita sarò perennemente alla ricerca di due cose: la crema viso perfetta e il burro cacao perfetto .
Quella per i burri per le labbra è davvero una mia ossessione ,li comprerei tutti!
Spulciando fra gli scaffali avevo visto il tester di questo e l'avevo provato sulla mano e risultava come un gel densissimo e un pò appiccicoso ! Siccome la prima cosa che cerco in un burrocacao è che rimanga più a lungo possibile sulle labbra ho deciso di comprarlo! Sulle labbra dà un effetto molto idratante ed essendo appunto un gel vischioso rimane anche abbastanza a lungo..l'unico neo è che appiccica un pochino però a me è piaciuto lo stesso (anche se rimane imbatutto,per il momento, il proteggi-labbra di Erbolario ,che adoro!!)
Gli altri due latti per il corpo non li ho ancora provati ma leggendo qua e là devono essere delle mezze schifezze..ahah vabbèèè..li regalerò alle amiche!
Vi lascio ad alcune foto ormai molto datate di un mio vecchio outfit ..non fate caso all'idiozia di alcune di esse!
the next post my dear,
am sending you a kiss! Giorgia
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