Hello my darlings!
I am here today to conclude the three posts on my personal daily care of face, body and hair!
As I mentioned in other posts my mom is a hairdresser and I'm trying to follow in his footsteps so I always had particular attention to my hair.
As you can see from the photos that I put my hair in the opening smooth, with many fine streaked platinum (ie bleached): ergo very fragile hair that need lots of attention!

Because of the characteristics of my hair I do not have the courage to switch to using organic products (which initially tend to dry the hair: if it happened with my I think I should cut them, dry them already!)
So I will list products that are absolutely non-organic, I wanted to specify it!
Here's how I take care of my hair:
* Lately I'm using the shampoo more than ever is the lavander mint-Paul Mitchell : At the beginning I particularly liked the smell of lavender but now I got used to and not I'm sorry again. I like this shampoo because with one pass with little product cleans really well, its ingredients are characteristic tea tree oil, peppermint oil and lavender. Being a professional product (found only in the hairdressers or online, for example here) the cost is high but at least having the minimum amount that must be really hard a lot.
price: € 18.00 for 300 ml
* Other shampoos that I use occasionally (ie after the streaks or when I want to liven up a little bit of my blond) is platinum blonde shampoo by Paul Mitchell . This shampoo is suitable only for platinum blondes who want to eliminate the ugly "yellow banana" that affects mainly girls who have gone from dark to blonde. From the site read:
Contains ingredients and blends finissime che donano lucentezza. La presenza di Awapuhi dona una idratazione intensa. Dalla delicata e fresca fragranza fruttata a base di cetriolo e melone.
> Speciali pigmenti neutralizzano i toni gialli sui capelli biondi naturali o colorati, grigi o bianchi.
> Ravviva e illumina i capelli biondi, grigi o bianchi.
> Idrata e nutre.
Utilizzo questo shampoo raramente perchè lo trovo più aggressivo dell'altro;inoltre la tonalità dei miei capelli per ora mi piace però devo dire che svolge davvero il lavoro che promette:quando lo suo i miei capelli da asciutti virano più al bianco cenere che al dorato!
* Garnier Ultra Dolce balm with cocoa and coconut oil or ===> I'm using this balm a few weeks and I must say that is not bad .. but not anything special! Detangles well enough (though I use 2:00 to 3:00 beautiful walnut product, so I will not last long) but honestly I expected a stronger and more persistent scent! For the price it is 0K (including the reading corner of Lola and I discovered that the Web Garnier is the best supermarket brand with respect to hair products!) Price: I do not remember, but I think on 3euro about.
* Splend'or balm coconut ===> I bought this balm designed to make co-wash (from various reviews say it is better for that use) but still I have not used! I will tell you;)
* Restorative Mask Matrix Biolage sunsorials ===> This line Matrix has been created for the hair in the summer, which requires more hydration due to sun, sand, salt etc.. I this form I adored from the start: first of all has a wonderful smell, which refers to something sweet, and secondly just a small amount to untangle the hair a lot. I Stra-promote! Price: € 11.30 150 ml.
3.POST WASH: SU hair still wet
* Some time ago he was straightening out this new line of Matrix, called just-sleek look that consists of several stages (see all of you return to the site ) and I decided to bring home 3passaggio: cream modellane extreme sleek.look .
This cream should be given to damp hair and helps combat frizz, ease brushing and styling, protect from the heat of hot tools.
I recommend it especially those who have medium-thick hair, for those like me who have fine hair I suggest you just use the product to avoid the risk of weighing it down.
Price: about € 12.00 for 150ml. Can be found in shops or hairdresser online,ad esempio qui
*Quick Slip, Paul Mitchell====> Nonostante questa crema sia siliconica io non posso davvero farne a meno. La adoro a tal punto che da quando l'ho scoperta ha surclassato completamente quella di Matrix! Le funzioni sono simili a quella di Matrix però questa inoltre riduce il tempo di asciugatura (non so come faccia però davvero quando me la metto impiego meno tempo ad asciugare i capelli), non appesantisce,lascia i capelli lucidi e puliti.Consigliata!
prezzo:24,00euro per 150 ml (la potete trovare online o nei saloni)
*ELISIR NOTTURNO SEMI DI LINO (Bottega Verde) ===> Questa crema è indicata per capelli secchi e sfibrati;infatti dal sito leggiamo:
Un trattamento intenso che agisce durante il riposo notturno per regalare ai capelli tutta la forza nutriente dell'olio di semi di Lino. Si applica direttamente sulle punte o dove c'è più bisogno prima di coricarsi, si assorbe subito senza lasciare tracce e senza appesantire... e al risveglio i capelli perfettamente nutriti e rimpolpati in profondità sono veramente più corposi e brillanti!
Io se devo essere sincera penso che non la ricomprerò perchè non sto notando particolari miglioramenti nonostante la metta tutte le sere. Sinceramente non ve la consiglio.
*Linfo Tonic Mary Rose===> Questo prodotto purtroppo farete fatica a procurarvelo perchè è di un'azienda delle mie parti (vi consiglio di dare un'occhiata al sito ufficiale ) davvero molto interessante!) però magari contattando l'azienda potrete farvelo spedire..
Inizio subito col dirvi che molti prodotti riguardanti la caduta dei capelli (sopratutto i prodotti chimici e anche quelli da farmacia) sono delle bufale,come ormai saprete! Questo prodotto non promette di regalare una testa di capelli effetto-crescina a un calvo però se usato con costanza ( almeno 2 volte alla settimana ) i risultati sono davvero positivi: cools and cleans the skin, removes dandruff, revives the skin and then not only does hair fall but also promotes the growth of those little ones just popped!
On this product we would have plenty to say but do not go on too long, for those interested, I refer you to the site and I highly recommend this brand really, who among other uses botanical ingredients!
Well, this is my hair-care routine the moment although I will not be the final one! In fact, reading over your blog, and watching some videos on YT I'd like to try some products :
1. linissimo: Mask nourishing hair linseed (Fitocose)

2 / 3. Monoi oil and oil pre-shampoo conditioner Makassar

4. The Mask linseed Provence

any of you have tried these products? Recommended them to me? And you
products used for the care of your hair? Since today is St.
Sink conclude the post with some pictures of two make-up shades of pink that I made long ago. Maybe there can be an inspiration ..
Buon San Lavandino a tutte!!!
Un bacione,
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