Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Why Am I Single At 43

The Italians among the most meager of Europe

Fat man holding a measurement tape And the Brazilians? This sensitive subject, better to go in order.

According to the joint report, 'Health at a Glance Europe 2010' (Health at a Glance) the European Commission and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), a European two are obese.

The European Academy of gordura it to Britain, where there is an obesity rate of 24.5%. Not to be outdone Ireland and Malta which is around 23%. Italy is in third last place with a rate of 9.9% obese, almost one out of every ten. Most in the form of Europe? Romanians (7.9%) and Switzerland (8%). In any case, we Italians are among "leaner". Perhaps the credit it is due to our Mediterranean diet or simply a whim to stay in shape or want to keep up with fashion. Who knows.

(I can not help but have a mischievous smile as I write this post ... kkkkk!)

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