Hello my darling ..
Monday I had an appointment with my friend Cri for the "special" (and top secret heheh) .. make-up tests and between coffee and laughter we have found the time to take some pictures! Here's what we have done:)
3.Soft BROWN
Hack other people is really a my passion, I love trying different looks and combine colors and textures per trovare lo stile migliore!
Qualche settimana fa invece,in onore del compleanno del moroso di Stefy ,dopo aver fatto i nostri consueti boccoli abbiamo avuto anche un pò di tempo per realizzare un make up semplice e veloce per la serata e abbiamo optato per questo,che ne dite?
la mia "modellina preferita" nonchè compagna di disavventure da tempo immemore (insieme ne abbiamo passate davvero di cotte e di crude ahah) è Anna.
Avevo già published these pictures long time ago and would like to propose them for new members or those who had not seen.
The occasion was a photo shoot .. look what do you prefer?

Rather than make-up have been proud of my beloved curls .. and here my vein hairstyle back to bite .. hehe (it took us quite a bit do it .. damn your hair long years !!!^^)
Today I thought you also a review of my third order elf (arrived about a week ago) but since I'm expecting another package .. . (how can you resist those damn promotions?? Argh!) I decided that we will review it together as I will the package arrive!
I wish you a wonderful day,
to the next post! Giorgia
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