As every day during my lunch break (very quick on Saturday, sigh!) I turn the pc to have a look at the blog e.. What I see ?
Fanny of " between philosophical and cosmetics ( http://trailfilosoficoeilcosmetico.blogspot.com/ ) chose me and rewarded in his SUNSHINE AWARD 2011!
What is this? To explain this I copy
hand in hand, and paste the description of Fanny:
"This award is a kind of public appreciation that we can assign to blogs and bloggers that there are more expensive!"
What should I do:
1. Post thank our people who have rewarded us.
2. Write a post for the award.
3. Increased to 12 blogs that we deserve.
4. Enter the link of each of the blogs that we have chosen.
5. Telling rewarded. "
I already thanked you for your wonderful and sweet Fanny description he gave me and my blog:" Giorgia comes to fashion, hairstyle, makeup and all that comes to mind. His style is unmistakable, and a large dowry to my mind: being able to perfectly match the heads to get a look recognizable, but each time the original and amazing. He deserves this Award with a ten and praise! "
What to say? Thank you Fanny, I do not know how much pleasure to know that what I write is valued by other people, I think the best thing for a blogger!
And now you without hesitation
public my personal nomination and I take this opportunity to congratulate both of my favorite bloggers, is to let you know (if not already followed him) some blogs for me really worthy!
1. Make up your mind, Girl! (http://makeupyourmindgirl.blogspot.com/) ==> If anyone still not familiar with this blog I suggest you take a look now! Why? Because here the make up and cosmetics are always treated with post interesting and accurate, which are a pleasure to read and above all a great help in our daily beauty-shopping! Congratulations also to the graphics of the blog which is always wonderful and very apt!
2.Pezzetti me (http://dadda-pezzettidime.blogspot.com/) ==> this blog has a huge honor: he writes a new post every day to read and enjoy, a brief but concise, showing swatch products and personal impressions! only "defect"? I want to buy and try all the tricks that every days are described .. hahaha
3.Trucchi revealed (http://www.trucchisvelati.it/) ==> blog about make-up in a really excellent and accurate: every review and every topic is explained with a clarity exciting! What can I say? The shape is very good, detailed pictures ... run to take a look and do not regret it!
4.Zuckerfrei. (http://applechaotic.blogspot.com/) ==> make up far too cute fashion, S. and V. two boys are very sweet and genuine, that transmit happiness and sunshine! The thing I love about this blog? The photographs are always beautiful and convey joy: good guys, keep it up!
5.Lizzie 's (http://lizzieinvogueland.blogspot.com/) ==> this girl has a truly unique style and always original post and his outfit are among the most favorite in bloggosfera! From a first glance immediately understand her strong fashion sense and I particularly appreciate the way this girl knows how to mix different items creating outfits always special and alternative. Rated 10 and praise, no doubt!
6. Wilma makeup Review (http://wilmamakeupreview.blogspot.com/) ==> I love this blog for his review truccose .. I have always been helpful and I update on the new brand that I absolutely must try!
7.The fashion Coffee (http://www.thefashioncoffee.com/) ==> I have heard many different things about him and quite often their comments are not nice (in fact, let's say patently offensive). Martina Mercedes Corradetti is undoubtedly a fashion blogger with no half measures: either you like or dislike.
I have decided to award both because it is always present at social events and fashionistas that tells those who are not able to participate through beautiful photos and always cared, and because I find that her outfits are always beautiful to look at (and dreaming: some do not perhaps suitable for everyday life).
8.La bovaryste (http://labovaryste.blogspot.com/) ==> In his blog he publishes his personal outfit and many nice photos and nice. What I like about her? In each of her outfits and accessories carefully the details in detail and so sublime. I envied the necklaces, handbags, bracelets and earrings that every time I switched from his blog .. and what's more we share a passion for great bows!
My sincere congratulations!
9.I live in my shoes (http://iliveinmyshoes-federica.blogspot.com/) ==> Federica and I like his blog for several reasons. First of all his posts are very frequent (and it is commendable given that all we are always super busy!) Secondly his outfits are always cute and affordable for all is good .. know that if I see something I like I can andarmi to buy the same again without having to spend a fortune! Federica Brava!
10The gummy sweet (. Http://www.thegummysweet.com/)
I simply adore her. I've done a thousand times praised for its beautiful hair (sorry, I have the clinical eye, the first thing I look at the hair haha) and his glam-rock style always original! I find it tough and at the same time sweet and sunny, and somehow always manages to stand out among the other fashion bloggers for its unique style! Great!
11.MEF is Kitsch Fashion (http://fashionmef.blogspot.com/) ==> more than to have two long legs e un fisico stupendo questa ragazza è una vera fonte d'ispirazione: i suoi outfit sono senza dubbio fra i miei preferiti! La cosa che adoro di più del suo blog sono le fotografie:sono così belle che sembrano sempre fatte da un fotografo professionale e la parete fiorata che usa come sfondo mi fa semplicemente impazzire!
Che altro dire? Il suo stile mi ricorda quello di una pin-up moderna e per questo non può che meritarsi un super 10 e lode..e tanti complimenti!
12.I love my blog (http://anyannachiara.blogspot.com/) ==>Ultima (ma non ultima,anzi!) è Annachiara la ragazza in assoluto più dolce e solare fra tutti i vari blog che seguo!Il suo stile è personale e personalmente (Haha and Italian) I find it adorable .. Its greatest merit is to be able to wear clothes different from each other (in the form style and fabric) in an increasingly elegant yet original! Also the envy so much the ability to create various colors on the outfit of the same color outfit .. come out really really beautiful .. congratulations!
There were many other blogs by rewarding but unfortunately the rule is that if he citing only 12 .. I chose the ones that I follow more and that struck me more!
And with that I return to work (what a joy -.-') and greet you .. see you soon with a new post (I have many things to show you: the new order arrived elf, how to make a braid particolare,review cosmetiche etc)
bacioni my darling
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