Just over a week ago I received an envelope from Canada containing all 10 samples to be tested by Buff'd Cosmetics (http://www.buffd.com/ ) This
mineral cosmetics house offers the widest range of shades for foundation I have ever seen! So after trying the products today I want to do my own review!
First of all I show you the trick that I made entirely (except for the lips) with these products! What do you think? I'm fine ..:)
Now first things first:
I could personally ask the two shades of foundation and I have chosen:
- neutral medium-light
- cool-fair
Both are free of yellow or pink undertones and is spread very easily blend perfectly with the skin. The opacity is modulated mineral foundation and although I was pleased to note that not at all dry skin ! The medium-light
reflects perfectly the color of my skin when I have time and will order it for sure .. I do not let some go! The fair
cool but is much too bright for my pale complexion (I really think that will work only for albinos at this point haha)
-Unlike many funds do not dry the skin
Mineral Make-uniform complexion while maintaining a natural
-Wide range of shades
None, in my opinion!

The finishing powder in the shade favor I found a good powder.
I state that I am not a lover of this product in general, I sometimes forget to put it and until recently were not at all so I used this for my little personal experience this seems to me a powder to normal, we say that makes the his work is intangible or opaque abbastanza!
Il mineral bronzer che mi è stato inviato è nella tonalità Honey . Questo bronzer,per i miei gusti,ha un grosso,insormontabile difetto: è una cascata di brillantini,argh!
Io infatti utilizzo solo blush e bronzer rigorosamente matt (riservero qualche sbrilluccichio al massimo per quest'estate..) perciò purtroppo non ho poututo apprezzare questo prodotto!
Ho testato due blush nelle tonalità Petal (un rosellino chiarissimo e davvero molto fine) e thrift (un rosa corallo meraviglioso e leggermente darker) color
I have to say that they are really beautiful but again .. argh .. glitter!
Fortunately, the prevailing color shimmer effect so I can use them easily even though I think in my future orders will choose colors matt!
Another sample content with the ' illuminating dust in the shade candelight : I really like very much this enlightening! I applied over the cheekbone to highlight it, and under the arch eyebrows and I loved the effect!
definitely buy it!
I received two eye shadows and eyeliner.
lighter ones (the Gracious ) is a slightly pastel lilac shimmer which I applied over the entire eyelid.
I then blended with the darker tone (the Rabid ) which is a violet shimmer a shade too beautiful. Finally, instead of using it as eyeliner Stormy I just wet application on the outer corners of the eye to give more depth!
Despite the purple is a color I love, I must say that is really good with green eyes (they really did very well in the choice of colors to send me!)
What can I say? I was pleasantly surprised by this Brand and I think that in the future (and a future not too far away hehe) I will make an order, to order the foundation .. surely that is the product that impressed me the most!
I hope this review there has been useful in some way ..
Now for the coveted my pack for dry hair;)
I mixed in the palm of the hand of Provence shea butter with argan oil hair and I have applied to the hair, after having wet towel ..
I left it on for almost 1 hour and then I infilata sotto la doccia per il consueto shampoo-balsamo!
Posso dire che appena asciutti i capelli risultavano abbastanza ammorbiditi ..
Non so con esattezza se sia stato merito del mio impacco pre-shampoo o solo ed esclusivamente del balsamo però certamente il burro di karitè e l'olio di argan devono pur aver dato un contributo no?
Sono curiosa di vedere come si comporteranno i miei capelli nei prossimi giorni..
Di solito rimangono morbidi appena lavati e poi dopo 1-2 giorni tornano ad essere secchini..speriamo che un pò la situazione migliori!
PS Siccome il burro di karitè dei Provenzali è tagliato con olio di mandorle mi era venuto il dubbio che non fosse adatto sui capelli (avevo letto che l'olio di mandorle tende a seccare) così ho chiesto un consiglio a Berlandina (http://berlandina.blogspot.com/) e mi ha tranquillizzata dicendomi che non secca affatto..così sono potuta andare tranquilla!Grazie Berlandina per i tuoi preziosi consigli!
Al prossimo post my darlings..
un bacione
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