Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Much Would A Pet Platypus Cost?

brush up on old sthorie

sifting through photos of my drawings and I found something of the time when I had my first experience of working in catering, I remember that the accommodations we had were saddled with bad, so it was that m 'commissioned to decorate the walls of the rooms, corridors .. Managers of the restaurant, a couple d 'Aosta, bought paints and brushes have a free hand, even the white wall ..

Here is an 'example of a wall smeared (the colors are altered by photoshop)

Each afternoon break, or free morning, despite a donkey at times it referred me and my colleagues, m almost always' putting on his shirt dirty and let me go to the drawing.
So, completely free,
for the simple sake of it .. without fees or rules or criticism to be sipped, I sat them Zozzo tint with empty brain, an atmosphere that are the envy of paradise and a few curious boy happy to be a spectator ..

cool ..

Then again: At work.

E 'does not try again for some time that something similar this summer' I will absolutely correct!

few years ago I posted a video on youtube where there is a whole parade of these walls defaced by me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyVx_KdnsJE

Ah yes, finally, non posso tralasciarlo.. c'è una simpatica vicenda che è avvenuta a distanza di un anno. La coppia d'Aosta (che ci tengo a precisare LADRI-APPROFITTATORI) come dicevo, avevano in gestione questo ristorante. Come i veri proprietari hanno visto le pareti degli alloggi, in preda a non so quale male bigotto, hanno minacciato di denunciare la coppia col motivo principale che i miei disegni erano (sentite bene) SATANICI!!!
(nel video potrete vedere chiaramente che in realtà sono mooolto infantili)

Peccato però, una bella denuncia a quei due non avrebbe fatto male al loro karma.


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