Sui fattacci di Rosarno anche la stampa più bieca e razzista è stata costretta a prendere le parti degli immigrati (“Hanno ragione i negri”, ha the Journal titled, 9 / 1), worked to the bone for the famous work "Italians do not want to do," forced to live in cardboard houses, and to make matters worse, I took even buckshot. And it is absolutely hypocritical to call them "blacks" in politically correct language, as the left if they are then taken from "Negro" which is the ironic title of Felt.
However, when analyzing the causes of this migration is now the Bible, leading to situations like Rosarno in Europe and the United States, the Western press is always, and not innocently, on the surface. They say that they are attracted by Bellure of our development model. Now, there is no immigrant who does not have at least one mobile phone and is not able to tell the folks back home that "eave and tears of blood that" this model for everyone, especially for those, like immigrants, is the latest wagon wheel.
is then said they were forced to come here and make a living as slaves because of poverty and hunger that torments their countries. And this is true. But it does not explain why these mass migrations have begun only in recent years and is increasing exponentially. At the bottom of ships existed before and even inflatables. The fact that immigrants from Africa are predominantly black Rosarno gives us the opportunity to explain it.
Western public opinion, partly because of its systematic disinformatia media, is convinced that hunger is endemic in Africa, which has always existed. Not so. In the early twentieth century had grocers self-Saharan Africa. It was still, essentially (98%) in 1961. But it began to be attacked by the pervasiveness of the pattern of industrial development in search of new markets, as poor because its saturation point, the situation is worse. Self-sufficiency has fallen 89% in 1971 to 78% in 1978. To find out what happened after the statistics are not necessary, just look at the dramatic images that reach us from the Continent Nero o anche osservare a cosa siano disposti i neri africani, Rosarno docet, pur di venir via.
Cos'è successo? L'integrazione nel mercato mondiale ha distrutto le economie di sussistenza (autoproduzione e autoconsumo) su cui quelle popolazioni avevano vissuto, e a volte prosperato, per secoli e millenni, oltre al tessuto sociale che teneva in equilibrio quel mondo (come è avvenuto in Europa agli albori della Rivoluzione industriale quando il regime parlamentare di Cromwell, preludio della democrazia, decretò la fine del regime dei “campi aperti” (open fields), cosa a cui le case regnanti dei Tudor e degli Stuart si erano opposte per un secolo e mezzo, buttando così milioni di contadini alla fame pronti per andare a farsi massacrare nelle filande e nelle fabbriche così ben descritte da Marx ed Engels).
Oggi, nell'integrazione mondiale del mercato, nella globalizzazione, i Paesi africani esportano qualcosa ma queste esportazioni sono ben lontane dal colmare il deficit alimentare che si è venuto così a creare. E quindi la fame.
Senza per questo volerlo giustificare il colonialismo classico è stato molto meno devastante dell'attuale colonialismo economico. Fra i due c'è una differenza sostanziale, di qualità. Il colonialismo classico si limitava a conquistare territori e a rapinare materie prime di cui spesso gli indigeni non sapevano che farsi, ma poiché le due comunità rimanevano separate e distinte little changed for the colonized that, apart from the fact that you have on your head fuckers, continued to live as they had always lived, according to their history, traditions, customs, social, economic.
The economic colonialism, however, needs to capture markets and to do so must approve the African people (like other so-called Third World) to our way of life, our customs, possibly also to our institutions (the creation State, for the bargain democratic or falsely democratic, had a disruptive impact on tribal societies), to bend them to our consumers. In Africa we see blacks with RayBan (with those eyes!) And mobile phones, which cost nothing, but no food. Because food does not go where you need it, it goes where there's money to buy it. Go to the pigs of the rich Americans and, in general, livestock in industrialized countries, although 66% of world cereal production is destined for animal feed in rich countries (FAO data).
And now we are putting even China, a new entry in this game murderess, who buys, with the complicity of corrupt rulers, entire regions of Black Africa the production, and food does not go to places, worse, exploited immigrant Rosarno, but ends in Beijing and surrounding areas. But the invasion of the dominant development model has also further consequences, nearly as severe hunger. Uprooted, made eccentric with respect to their own culture that is over in the corner, serving a heavy loss of identity. To this must be the fierce inter-tribal wars that we have seen, with horror hypocritical, in recent decades. Why the wars in Africa, albeit with the obvious exception of a thousand-year history, had always been a minority compared to the peaceful settlement between its thousands of ethnic groups (J. Reader, "Africa", Mondadori, 2001).
And so between hunger, poverty, war, displacement, destruction of their habitat, forced to live with the material shows the industrialized world (you go to Lagos, Nairobi or in any other African capital) the blacks migrate to the center of the Empire seeking a better life. Or just a life. And our "aid", even when they are hairy, not only failed to stop the phenomenon of hunger and poverty in Africa and elsewhere, as evidenced by the recent FAO summit held in Rome, but the aggravated because they tend to further integrate people in the Third World in the single world market, so even more tightening the noose around their neck. Some countries and Third World intellectuals had understood in advance. About twenty years ago, simultaneously with the regular meetings of G7 (then there was the G7), the seven poorest countries of the world, led by the African Benin, organized a controversial controsummit the cry: "Please do not help us more." But were not heard. (Source:
Sui fattacci di Rosarno anche la stampa più bieca e razzista è stata costretta a prendere le parti degli immigrati (“Hanno ragione i negri”, ha the Journal titled, 9 / 1), worked to the bone for the famous work "Italians do not want to do," forced to live in cardboard houses, and to make matters worse, I took even buckshot. And it is absolutely hypocritical to call them "blacks" in politically correct language, as the left if they are then taken from "Negro" which is the ironic title of Felt.
However, when analyzing the causes of this migration is now the Bible, leading to situations like Rosarno in Europe and the United States, the Western press is always, and not innocently, on the surface. They say that they are attracted by Bellure of our development model. Now, there is no immigrant who does not have at least one mobile phone and is not able to tell the folks back home that "eave and tears of blood that" this model for everyone, especially for those, like immigrants, is the latest wagon wheel.
is then said they were forced to come here and make a living as slaves because of poverty and hunger that torments their countries. And this is true. But it does not explain why these mass migrations have begun only in recent years and is increasing exponentially. At the bottom of ships existed before and even inflatables. The fact that immigrants from Africa are predominantly black Rosarno gives us the opportunity to explain it.
Western public opinion, partly because of its systematic disinformatia media, is convinced that hunger is endemic in Africa, which has always existed. Not so. In the early twentieth century had grocers self-Saharan Africa. It was still, essentially (98%) in 1961. But it began to be attacked by the pervasiveness of the pattern of industrial development in search of new markets, as poor because its saturation point, the situation is worse. Self-sufficiency has fallen 89% in 1971 to 78% in 1978. To find out what happened after the statistics are not necessary, just look at the dramatic images that reach us from the Continent Nero o anche osservare a cosa siano disposti i neri africani, Rosarno docet, pur di venir via.
Cos'è successo? L'integrazione nel mercato mondiale ha distrutto le economie di sussistenza (autoproduzione e autoconsumo) su cui quelle popolazioni avevano vissuto, e a volte prosperato, per secoli e millenni, oltre al tessuto sociale che teneva in equilibrio quel mondo (come è avvenuto in Europa agli albori della Rivoluzione industriale quando il regime parlamentare di Cromwell, preludio della democrazia, decretò la fine del regime dei “campi aperti” (open fields), cosa a cui le case regnanti dei Tudor e degli Stuart si erano opposte per un secolo e mezzo, buttando così milioni di contadini alla fame pronti per andare a farsi massacrare nelle filande e nelle fabbriche così ben descritte da Marx ed Engels).
Oggi, nell'integrazione mondiale del mercato, nella globalizzazione, i Paesi africani esportano qualcosa ma queste esportazioni sono ben lontane dal colmare il deficit alimentare che si è venuto così a creare. E quindi la fame.
Senza per questo volerlo giustificare il colonialismo classico è stato molto meno devastante dell'attuale colonialismo economico. Fra i due c'è una differenza sostanziale, di qualità. Il colonialismo classico si limitava a conquistare territori e a rapinare materie prime di cui spesso gli indigeni non sapevano che farsi, ma poiché le due comunità rimanevano separate e distinte little changed for the colonized that, apart from the fact that you have on your head fuckers, continued to live as they had always lived, according to their history, traditions, customs, social, economic.
The economic colonialism, however, needs to capture markets and to do so must approve the African people (like other so-called Third World) to our way of life, our customs, possibly also to our institutions (the creation State, for the bargain democratic or falsely democratic, had a disruptive impact on tribal societies), to bend them to our consumers. In Africa we see blacks with RayBan (with those eyes!) And mobile phones, which cost nothing, but no food. Because food does not go where you need it, it goes where there's money to buy it. Go to the pigs of the rich Americans and, in general, livestock in industrialized countries, although 66% of world cereal production is destined for animal feed in rich countries (FAO data).
And now we are putting even China, a new entry in this game murderess, who buys, with the complicity of corrupt rulers, entire regions of Black Africa the production, and food does not go to places, worse, exploited immigrant Rosarno, but ends in Beijing and surrounding areas. But the invasion of the dominant development model has also further consequences, nearly as severe hunger. Uprooted, made eccentric with respect to their own culture that is over in the corner, serving a heavy loss of identity. To this must be the fierce inter-tribal wars that we have seen, with horror hypocritical, in recent decades. Why the wars in Africa, albeit with the obvious exception of a thousand-year history, had always been a minority compared to the peaceful settlement between its thousands of ethnic groups (J. Reader, "Africa", Mondadori, 2001).
And so between hunger, poverty, war, displacement, destruction of their habitat, forced to live with the material shows the industrialized world (you go to Lagos, Nairobi or in any other African capital) the blacks migrate to the center of the Empire seeking a better life. Or just a life. And our "aid", even when they are hairy, not only failed to stop the phenomenon of hunger and poverty in Africa and elsewhere, as evidenced by the recent FAO summit held in Rome, but the aggravated because they tend to further integrate people in the Third World in the single world market, so even more tightening the noose around their neck. Some countries and Third World intellectuals had understood in advance. About twenty years ago, simultaneously with the regular meetings of G7 (then there was the G7), the seven poorest countries of the world, led by the African Benin, organized a controversial controsummit the cry: "Please do not help us more." But were not heard. (Source:
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