Friday, January 29, 2010

Is Screen Saver Neccessary



Abraham bar Hiyya, junto con Abraham ben Ezra y Moshé Sefardí, como se viene diciendo, es uno de los que se encargaron de transmitir a Europa la gran ciencia judía y árabe andalusí y, concretamente, de la Marca Superior y zaragozana. Tuvo como sobrenombre (no se sabe por qué) el de ha-Nasi y fue conocido among Latinos as Abraham ludaeus or Savasorda (short title derived from the Arabic al-Sahib takes or police chief). Born in Barcelona around the year 1065. Almost nothing is known of his life except that he lived and taught in Castile, southern France, Soria, Lleida, Huesca and Zaragoza. The latter must do more than teach, must build up their scientific knowledge in this area of \u200b\u200bthe Upper.

Also as Ezra ben Abraham and Moses was a polygraph Sephardic covering various branches of science such as astronomy and mathematics, while he practiced philosophy. Composed works such as Sefer ha'ibburo astronomical Collation book, a work that ranks as the oldest referring to the rules for calculating the Hebrew calendar year. Astronomy also has its Surat-'eres or shape of the earth which is the first treaty in Hebrew astronomical geography. Also included in this line mahalak Heshbon im hakokabim or calculation or calculation of the course of the stars, which is like a sequel to the earlier work. Geometry is the ha-mesiha Hibbur w'hatisboret, Treaty areas and measures, which was translated into Latin by Plato of Tivoli in 1166 after becoming one of the fundamental mathematics book in Christian Europe.

As philosophical works must mention Higayón ha-nefes or Meditation of the soul and Megillat ha-megalo, the book reveals. Finally, as a general encyclopedic work of exegesis, philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, music and visual tebüna composed Yesod ha-u-Migdal ha 'Emunah, or Fundamentals of understanding and a tower of faith, of which only fragments have survived. These, as well as previous work and the Treaty of areas and measures were translated by Miles Vallicrosa.

view of their production no doubt that the work of teacher met the same goals as those of Abraham ben Ezra between the Jewish and Christian communities of Europe and Pedro Alfonso between the Christian. Bar-Hijjah. He did not only in Europe but also in the Sefarad, particularly in the intellectual circle Zaragoza and Catalan. Thanks to these leaders of science and philosophy, the new knowledge of Arabic and Jewish began to settle in the Christian West, after the very ferment in Jewish circles.

The outline of his philosophical thought could be summarized as follows: First, the task princpal of man is through self-knowledge which comes to the knowledge of God, the ultimate goal of all beings endowed with reason. Geostiseauton is that Muslims take as a starting point playing the Prophet said "he who knows his Master" and that the Jews do it by reading the verse from Job "from my body I shall see God", with which the Greek principle assumes a value of religious law. This introversion leads to the philosophy part of the consideration of the man himself to get to the worldview of its own to the way we did before Isaac Israeli. Thus, in view of the constitution of man, tackles hylomorphic and metaphysical vision of the composition of matter and form of beings.

Now this hylomorphic, unlike Ibn Gabirol, only applies to bodily existence. Intelligences and higher beings of the cosmos and souls are spiritual forms lacking de materia.

Por otra parte, Bar Hiyya se esfuerza por armonizar el principio creacionista del génesis con la filosofia habitual de su momento y de la tradición judía y musulmana. En efecto, afirma que, antes de la creación, el mundo y los seres que contiene, simplemente no existían. Una vez Que Dios decidió la creación del mundo, empezó a ser potencialmente existente, careciendo sin embargo de ser todavía. Una vez que Dios decretó y quiso hacer la creación, expulsó el no-ser e hizo que la forma sobreviniese a la materia surgiendo así los seres concretos.

Dos textos serán expresivos por sí mismos, a pesar de las oscuridades que implican al oscilar entre el creacionismo and emanationist: "In this way, matter and form, which, according to the ancient philosophers, were potentially before creation, is the tohu va bohu mentioned by the Torah (Genesis, 2). This is what the world was before the rise of the world today through the word of God, as the Bible says: "The earth was tohu va bohu" And: "The matter was too weak to uphold: itself and for itself that would cover their own deficiencies, unless it was covered by the Form, Form, meanwhile, could not be seen or felt, except to inform the matter is that there to sustain. Thus, each the other two required and needed each other so that the world existed and was perceived. Without the form, matter could not exist, while the shape could not be captured without the subject. However, the shape is more important than the subject, since it only requires the material to be captured, it can actually exist without matter, while matter can not exist at all without the Form. " Once formed

Matter and Form, the latter deriving all spiritual beings and their nests. From the combination of Matter and Form, there will be concrete material beings.

The process emanated, as developed by Bar-Hijjah has great relationships with the Sefer Yesira and the Encyclopedia of the Brethren of Purity. Indeed: first, the overwhelming presence of light and the identification of process expansion emanate light rays from God and the Form to the last people, through the human soul, by the prophet, by the wise and the holy. Moreover, for Bar-Hijjah the corporeal world is but the astral image of the upper world, which is subject. One consequence is that in this philosophical and his dedication to astronomy, astrology follows a thought which is addressed for the first time in our author. And it is known that both the SeferYesira as the Encyclopedia of the Brethren of Purity were endless sources of inspiration at this point. In fact, the fifth chapter of Megillat ha-Full megale is dedicated to astronomical and astrological calculations aimed at highlighting the primacy of Israel over all other nations of the earth, which would be the center pole and fundamental.

In the case of man, hylomorphic composed of body and soul formulas adopted Plato and Aristotle, while not lacking at times in certain ambiguities. Body and soul are all inseparable from form and matter in the manner of Aristotle, but on the other hand, has a spiritual soul independence and control over the matter and the rest of creation to the Platonic. On the other hand, the intellectual soul was subject to the rule of the other two levels of mind, irascible and concupiscible an original sin committed by Adam. In that domain will gradually rid the man.

This foregrounding of original sin is based Talmudic undoubtedly, but possibly by Christian influence, the issue gained importance in Bar Hijjah acquiring capital. Moreover, the fact that the intellectual soul comes by emanation of intelligence and superior minds, we mark with a destination further purification in the context in which it moves Neoplatonic Bar-Hijjah. Indeed, the soul aspires to total purity and separation from the irascible soul concupiscible. However, this aspiration has important aspects which should highlight.

Above all, the ideal and reality of pure soul is not something given to humanity as a whole from the first moment of creation, but historically materialized in a single individual in each of the generations from Adam to Seth, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and after them, for the twelve tribes of the twelve sons of the patriarch Jacob. Then, the pure soul and heritage is accessible to all the people of Israel and only he, If God made man master of all creation and has the purity as an ideal to achieve, it only exists in the people of Israel, chosen by God. This concept is very close to that of Judah ha-Levi, with the difference that in this, after the Christ, all mankind will enjoy this privilege. Bar Hijjah while still enclosing the prerogative of the Jewish people, despite his firm belief in the advent of a Messiah, which he ventured to predict for the year 1358. Moreover, the transmission of pure soul of Bar Hijjah, from generation to generation, has a similar structure and drinks on the same sources that divine thing Yehuda Halevi, as we saw at the time. On the other hand, Zionism and messianism of Abraham bar Hijjah are the very historical moment in which he lives, one of which is the proper reflexes ha-Levi.

purifying In terms of procedure, Bar Hijjah is based on undeniable freedom of man and his capacity for repentance and penance. It shows affinities with Ibn Paquda while at the same time, their version of penance and ascetic life differs in many points.

Hijjah To Bar there are two types of purified men: those who turn away completely from the world of matter and the other two souls, and those who work constantly to get rid of these bonds at the expense of an extraordinary effort. The first will see God and intelligible directly in the work life, while others will see what they were deprived in life and that was his happiness. Curious interpretation of the beyond, perhaps taken from Avicenna.

On the other hand, between the two works cited, Hegyón ḥanef and Megillat ha-megalo, there is a hesitation, but must be attributed as a final thought which exposes Bar Hijjah in the second, being back in time to another. On the first exposed to the following schedule as possible to the soul: the pure and perfect without more, go to the contemplation of God in the afterlife. But those that are stained by sin have the following routes: the pure, but with moral stains are punished to err in the sun and burning for some time, the souls morally pure, but defective in intelligence., transmigrate into other bodies until they acquire adequate knowledge and perfect, at last, they have neither intelligence nor virtue, perish with the body. This metempsychosis here pronounced completely rejected in the second of those works, by subjecting the soul to the usual rewards and punishments without going after wandering from one body to another to reach or intelligence or moral purification.

Hijjah Bar doctrines, moreover, suffer from some bruising and ambiguities, due not only to what exposure defective but the multiple sources heterogeneous to take hold. However., The general lines of thought follow the guidelines of Neoplatonism, the Sefer Yesirá and Islamic philosophy, within the overall context of the other authors who have chronicled. His teacher, I repeat once again, had to leave his mark on the Ebro Valley and in Zaragoza, while it took them many different elements.


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La herencia de Sefarad Tetuán, Adriana Kreiman


Jews are known to arrived in Morocco before the Arabs, when the country was inhabited by the Berbers, many of whom converted to Judaism. The early Jews lived in southern Morocco, while Sephardic immigration, which came in the late fifteenth century, after the expulsion of Jews from Spain, settled in the North.

Sephardic means English and comes from Sefarad, which is the Hebrew name of Spain.

When they arrived Sephardic Jews, the Muslims ruled the country gave them protection in exchange for the payment of taxes due, and for centuries the two communities developed a harmonious, mutually respectful of their traditions, beliefs and religious customs.

The Sephardim spoke the fifteenth century English-influenced variant of Hebrew was called Judeo-English or Ladino, a language that preserved during the next five centuries without absorbing the developments in that time he developed the Castilian other English-speaking regions of world.

Jewish footprint throughout Morocco Tetouan and can be followed in the ghetto, streets, synagogues, cemeteries, fountains and places inhabited by a people who gave the community scholars, Scripture scholars, philosophers, writers, ministers and counselors of the king, as the venerable Isaac Rebien Bengualid, or the only Nobel Prize Venezuela, Baruch Benacerraf, from a family originally from Tetouan, and other less famous as the merchant Anahory Yehuda, born in Tetouan to 1850, later went to Algeria, started a family in the city of Oran, and in 1906 emigrated with his wife and children to Argentina, where their descendants live today, but one of them, in an unexpected return, now lives in Spain.

melacha lived in the Jewish neighborhood consists of more than three hundred streets, narrow, with white walls and green doors, under arches that connect a wall with the other, and which came into existence 16 synagogues.

then moved to the Eixample, where the synagogue was founded Rebien Yagdil Shmuel Torah or Israel, better known as the Eixample synagogue opened in 1967 by Moises Hassan, and one of whose symbols is the work of English sculptor José María Pascual. The current Tetuan Casino is former Israeli Club, with its library and a games room, and the Alliance Israelite headquarters is now a French cultural mission closed in the summer.

Photo: Wiki Commons

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Islamic Finance. Stefano Masullo - Giovanna Canzano - 28/01/2010


... "una volta i problemi di carattere risolti fiscal and regulatory il nostro paese a colt svolgere ruolo nel Mediterraneo centrale. Italy, in addition to having a positive trade balance of several billions of dollars with the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, plays a key role in the euro-Arab dialogue, representing the G7 country closer to the Arab world. Interest in Islamic finance arises, therefore, as a matter of political-strategic position, in relation to the birth of the Union for the Mediterranean, which aims to involve economically forty-three southern and eastern Mediterranean countries, through their cooperation in specific public and private sector ... (Stephen M. Masullo)

Canzano 1 - In today's international economic and financial role that can play the introduction of Islamic banking?

MASULLO - In a perspective of long-term development can play a key role in the introduction of Islamic banking, the most profitable sector of the entire international financial scene, with its constant connection to the real economy, appears to offer a viable alternative in terms of stability excessive financialization today or rather, the detachment has developed between financial activity and legal cause and effect of the crisis.

Canzano 2 - What is the alternative message of Islamic finance?

MASULLO - The alternative message of Islamic finance comes from the strong reliance on sacred texts and their considerable influence on law. Islam, while recognizing the opportunities for growth in the value of money over time, it prohibits its implementation in the loan allowing only as part of a real transaction. Eschewing the interest, the Islamic world's financial system based on the concept of Shirkah, namely the sharing of profits and losses of any business. Technique, this is accredited in the literature to have particularly positive effects on aggregate real economy, on development and income distribution. These characteristics lead Shariah-compliant financial institutions to move away from the figure of "debt holder” propria del modello convenzionale, per avvicinarsi di più a quella di “equity investor”, spingendole così ad assumere caratteristiche più simili alle merchant bank. Le peculiarità del sistema islamico richiedono uno sforzo maggiore verso l’armonizzazione degli standard prudenziali e di vigilanza, al fine di limitare gli arbitraggi regolamentari e assicurare regole minime comuni su cui fondare l’ordinato funzionamento del sistema finanziario globale. Al riguardo, sembra auspicabile una estensione al sistema tradizionale di alcuni comportamenti tipici del sistema islamico.

Canzano 3 – Come opera l’isalmic banking nello scenario internazionale?

MASULLO - Nello scenario internazionale, l’islamic banking si presenta con caratteristiche diverse nei vari paesi in cui è operativo, in base al grado di islamizzazione del sistema finanziario ritenuto opportuno dai rispettivi governi. Al riguardo, nella maggior parte delle esperienze nazionali, si è optato per un sistema di dual-banking, in cui i due differenti sistemi finanziari condividono lo stesso ambiente macroeconomico con interessanti reciproche interdipendenze. In una prospettiva di lungo periodo, gli oltre quindici milioni di musulmani presenti sul territorio europeo, la forte liquidità a disposizione dei paesi arabi e la risposta molto positiva dell’islamic banking alle recenti crisi rendono lo sviluppo della finanza islamica una necessità anche per il vecchio continent. The situation in Europe sees the continuing role of London as the leading western market, but there are other important initiatives in countries such as France and Italy.

Canzano 4 - Even in Italy are starting to assess the huge opportunities offered by the Islamic sector?

MASULLO - Our country seems to be starting to realize the enormous opportunities that the implementation of the Islamic sector offers, especially from a political-strategic point of view, in light of the recent birth of the Union for the Mediterranean, a harbinger of potentially great possible cooperation for the Italian-Arab Axis.

Canzano 5 - Islamic finance has a stretta dipendenza dai testi sacri?

MASULLO - La cornice di riferimento dell’etica commerciale islamica, è infatti, da un millennio la Sharia, termine arabo usato per indicare la legge divina contenuta nel Corano e nella Sunna. Il Corano contiene l’insieme delle rivelazioni che il Profeta Maometto afferma di aver ricevuto quattordici secoli fa da Allah ed è destinato ad ogni uomo sulla terra a prescindere dalla sua fede religiosa. La Sunna, invece, seconda fonte della legge islamica, è costituita dagli atti e dai detti del Profeta, trasmessi negli Hadith. Nell’analisi delle fonti religiose, un ruolo centrale è quello del Fiqh, la giurisprudenza islamica, che permette una lettura appropriata ed una corretta interpretazione della volontà divina. Sembra evidente a questo punto, come risulti difficile gestire l’islamic banking solo con le leggi del sistema bancario-finanziario capitalistico, troppo lontano dal preciso utilizzo del denaro dettato dalla legge coranica. Nei paesi in cui la Sharia è legge di stato, come in Iran, Sudan, Pakistan, si è giunti alla completa islamizzazione del sistema bancario, con la scomparsa delle banche convenzionali. Negli altri paesi a maggioranza musulmana, invece, i due tipi di istituti bancari convivono in un esempio di dual banking. In realtà, la legge cranica nell’enunciare i principi economici, si presta a varie interpretazioni critiche dei testi sacri, lasciando spazio ai differenti punti di vista the different schools of thought.

Canzano 6 - The five pillars of Islam the foundation of the Islamic faith, are shared across the entire Muslim population?

MASULLO - The first pillar of Islam is the prohibition of lending at interest related to the time factor, Riba, which equated to wear, is seen as one of exploitation and injustice. These same restrictions have operated for centuries even in Christianity, then slowly bend to the pressure of the reformists and the needs of business. The RIBA is, however, only the first of five basic Islamic principles, which directly affect the daily lives of the Muslim population prohibiting certain conduct, even with significant consequences on business practices. Other limitations concern the prohibition to take action Gharar, activities at the base with an unreasonable uncertainty, Maisie, very similar to speculation; Haram activities in areas specifically prohibited by the Koran, such as distribution and production of alcohol, tobacco, weapons, pork , pornography and gambling. The fifth and final pillar of Islam is zakat, which is the religious obligation of "purification" of their wealth, which every Muslim must fulfill in order to define a true believer. Often seen as alms, zakat, has no element of voluntariness. In fact, originally as a levy on each of the luxuries and serves to make legitimate and useful to the community's material wealth. All this translates into a payment of a share of earnings, which is redistributed in favor of the most vulnerable sectors of Islamic society. Islamic banks, given the prohibition of Riba, they had to implement an alternative method of allocation of resources, which traditionally has been reflected particularly in the technique of sharing losses and profits. Nell'islamic banking the profit can be legitimized only by the risk component, since, according to the Sharia, the gain is not admissible, unless it is linked to recruitment risk. It is, therefore, a new and different relationship between the creditor and debtor. The partnership, however, is a concept common to many religions and communities, but in this culture that has become the foundation of economic and social as well, leading many observers to recognize a potential greater equity in Islamic finance. In a system centered on the partnership, the lender does not require cash interest, but takes part in what will be the results of the activity, as a percentage of future profits. Similarly, the erosion of capital in case of loss will be borne by both parties.

Canzano 7 - What is it based on this model participation?

MASULLO - This model of participation is based on two fundamental elements: the relationship of trust between those who make available the funds and who uses them, share the same fate requires the creation of a fruitful and lasting relationship based on mutual interest; the impossibility of the formation of pockets of wealth at the expense of the weakest and usually with fewer bargaining skills. In an entirely Muslim, then, being linked by economic relations-sharing relationship of economic performance, a company produces more profits, plus the lending bank to get financing by way of remuneration. Simultaneously, Moreover, depositors acquire an amount of wealth, the greater the greater the profits of the financial institution. It would create an automatic process of allocation of wealth, it is possible that the Western economy and mired in a series of agreements, compromises, conflicts of power. The comparison on the distribution of wealth leads to assert greater social equity in Islamic finance, beyond those that are religious, political and cultural. In this sense, the more attention that an Islamic bank must have regard to the soundness of the project and management skills of the entrepreneur, makes the creditworthiness relatively less important.

Canzano 8 - The Islamic banks can not finance projects financed by conventional banks?

MASULLO - Projects not funded by mainstream banks, may very well be financed by Islamic banks through the technique of profit loss sharing, which can serve as a stimulus to economic development in developing countries. In this sense, the more attention that an Islamic bank must have regard to the soundness of the project and management skills of the entrepreneur, makes the creditworthiness relatively less important.

Canzano 9 - What importance is attached to the corporate governance and corporate governance?

MASULLO - In a purely management perspective, issues such as corporate governance and corporate governance, assume greater importance in the Islamic reality, given the religious nature of the underlying layer of government financing and additionality resulting from the Sharia Supervisory Boards. The feature common to all financial institutions is the presence of this independent committee, consisting of experts in law and Islamic finance, which monitors the ex-ante, on the compliance of Shariah. In the area of \u200b\u200bcorporate governance, is also clearly recognized, even in the Islamic financial world, the indispensability of risk management. The Islamic banking system, despite significant differences in the subject, does not seem to want to give up confrontation with the principle of "conventional" regulation of capital, given the position of absolute rule that the Basel Accord has won an international level. You can try to describe the phases and the solutions adopted to reformulate the conventional banking towards the introduction of Islamic finance. Of course, a choice can be as important as the introduction of Islamic banking must be based on appropriate requirements in terms of demand. In fact, the very demand for such products, as seen previously, is in constant development. This is due to the growing interest of investors led Islamic especially sigenze geographical diversification of their portfolios. Clearly, the development and implementation of legislation related to the implementation of an Islamic financial system in need of highly trained professionals in the field, to cater to the demand of consumers who want to comply with the dictates of the Koran.

Canzano 10 - What are the areas of greatest importance for the establishment of an Islamic bank?

MASULLO - The areas of greatest importance during the introduction of an Islamic bank are four compliance with sharia, the strict separation of Islamic funds from conventional ones, the creation and dissemination of accounting standards and the increased number awareness campaigns. In terms of compliance with Shariah Scholars us relies on Sharia, or Islamic law experts, whose task is to certify that the banking is done in accordance with Islamic principles. These experts, sharing in the different institutions, promote overall consistency of their services. The first measure to take if you want to offer Islamic products is therefore the appointment of a Shariah board, which minimizes the risk Sharia. An important role for steering the distinct international multilateral institutions created to promote the development of Islamic banking. These institutions, while not binding powers, however enjoyed high consideration by international policy-makers. A second point to be addressed clearly in the early stages of the implementation is a clear distinguished from conventional Islamic funds. It is, in this case, a basic principle established in order to maintain the moral purity of all Islamic transactions. The third variable to consider is the financial landscape. Unfortunately, in fact, the rapid expansion of Islamic banking has not been accompanied by the same development of internationally accepted accounting rules, not favoring the impression of greater transparency of the Islamic sector. Regarding transparency, in addition, the information that depositors and investors about the risks will be in the development of Islamic banking. It is therefore necessary that the consumer is informed and in this sense could be very useful for awareness campaigns.

Canzano 11 - When can the conversion to the Islamic banking?

MASULLO - The conversion to the Islamic banking is possible in different forms, depending on the willingness of the intermediary itself and its interest in the field. Conventional financial institutions generally prefer, during the initial phase, explore the potential of the market through a pilot project that takes the form of Islamic windows. The Islamic windows, in fact, can satisfy the basic needs of score of an Islamic society, offering mainly deposits and trade finance to small-and medium-sized enterprises. When implemented un'islamic window, and having continued for a period of time necessary to secure a customer base, the financial institution can decide whether to establish an Islamic subsidiary or convert to a bank fully Islamized. The advantage of opting for the subsidiary is able to continue serving customers conventional, while the choice for conversion into a fully Islamic bank are significant benefits in terms of credibility. In conclusion, there is considerable debate regarding consistency with the Sharia, as to the introduction of Islamic banks with capital from conventional banks. In this case, there is absolutely no guarantee that these funds originate from activities in accordance with Islam. In this regard, often the solution adopted was to allow formation of the new Islamic institution in any case, if future deliberations charitable donations as a way of purification of funds.

Canzano 12 - How was the interaction between economy-religion-ethics in Europe?

MASULLO - In the old continent has always been very lively interaction between economics, religion and ethics. The economic history of Europe is in fact an example of how the plot dell’attività economica e finanziaria con i credo religiosi e le tradizioni sia sempre stato in costante evoluzione e finalizzato a fornire risposte adeguate all’evolversi della società. La presenza araba in Europa tra l’ottavo e l’undicesimo secolo, soprattutto in Spagna, Francia, Portogallo e Italia, è stata un esempio di società votata alla cultura, alla tolleranza e alla prosperità economica grazie soprattutto ai fiorenti commerci fra oriente ed occidente. Tali connessioni storiche, sommate alla recente spinta verso la globalizzazione in termini sia di flussi migratori musulmani verso l’Europa sia di internazionalizzazione dei mercati, rinvigoriscono l’interesse per la finanza islamica da parte del vecchio continent. It does not seem random, then, the demand for finance and Shariah-compliant banking products recently come to light in many European countries. The institutional response on the part of both governments that the supervisory authorities of the banking system has been very different in different countries. United Kingdom, France and Germany have responded, albeit with varying intensity, to such needs. In other situations, however, the great interest in the field has been hampered by the attitude of cautious waiting, as in the Italian case, limited almost entirely the development of this alternative financial system. The future potential of this application can be found in the fact that Islam are currently the fastest growing religion in the world and that this development is accompanied, especially in European countries, also by an increase in middle-class Muslims.

Canzano 13 - Customers prefer European Muslims Halal manage their own financial affairs?

MASULLO - It 's difficult, so do not speculate on the future growth of Islamic finance in Europe, driven also by preference, more decisive, customer management European Muslim Halal their own financial affairs. To date, there are about fifteen million Muslims living in the old continent, with a total amount of assets under management, estimated fourteen billion dollars in 2020. In questo senso, gioca un ruolo importante anche il crescente interesse per i prodotti finanziari islamici mostrato anche da parte della popolazione non musulmana, vista la sicurezza che i prodotti Sharia compatibili offrono sia in termini etici che di collegamento con il sistema reale. Tutte queste variabili hanno spinto le autorità competenti in materia, negli ultimi anni, ad accogliere e cercare di soddisfare tutte le richieste della comunità musulmane europea, spesso ignorate in passato. Inoltre, la crescente richiesta di prodotti islamici da parte di investitori professionali per ragioni di diversificazione di portafoglio, ha spinto verso la visione dell’islamic banking come una lucrativa opportunità di business. La prova tangibile delle potenzialità industry and its Islamic, albeit limited, maturity occurred in the last period of complete instability of international markets. It seems, in fact, that "the business of Islamic finance has not been touched by the subprime storm. Indeed, the credit crisis could encourage the expansion of financial products compliant with Islamic laws outside of markets in Asia and the Gulf countries, thanks to their constant connection with the real economy. A confirmation of this view comes on the performance of major stock indices of the Islamic sector. In 2007, in fact, Djimi Djimi and Europe were valued respectively, of sixteen and twenty percent, yields much superiori ai rispettivi indici americani. Nello stesso anno, infatti, il DJUS ha registrato un aumento nell’ordine del sei per cento. Dopo queste considerazioni, sembra lecito concludere che i prodotti finanziari islamici si stiano spostando nell’Europa continentale, con diversa intensità nei vari paesi, da prodotti di nicchia a prodotti di più ampio espiro. Inizia a diffondersi nell’opinione pubblica europea la considerazione, del sistema di relazioni economico finanziarie regolamentate dal diritto islamico come una solida e praticabile alternativa, o meglio un’aggiunta al sistema finanziario convenzionale.

Canzano 14 – Come si comporta la lobby bancaria tradizionale?

MASULLO - Al riguardo, the traditional banking lobby has no interest in losing market share and hence its monopoly position in European financial markets in favor of Islamic financial institutions. However, as seen at the same time, can not afford not to consider the important reality of Islamic savings. In this sense, the compromise seems to have been achieved through the implementation, in almost all European cases, by the Islamic windows of conventional institutions. In the West, particularly in Europe, the Islamic banking system has captured the attention of the financial world and regulatory authorities in the last decades of the twentieth century. La questione è stata affrontata diversamente nei vari paesi, ma tuttavia resta l’Inghilterra la nazione ad aver maturato l’esperienza più significativa in materia, rappresentando un modello da seguire nell’adozione dell’islamic banking per i paesi a maggioranza non musulmana. Il Regno Unito è stato capace di attrarre le maggiori banche islamiche oltre che per la numerosa popolazione musulmana residente, conseguenza delle forti relazioni storiche con vari paesi orientali, anche grazie alle notevoli capacità degli operatori del settore finanziario e all’importanza a livello internazionale del mercato inglese. A livello geografico poi, l’alternativa inglese risulta allettante se confrontata con quella americana, peraltro disadvantaged by the current political relations with some Islamic countries. The sum of all these variables has led to a natural address of the Muslim world to the UK.

Canzano 15 - When Islamic banking was born in England?

MASULLO - Formally, the emergence of Islamic banking in England dates back to 1982, by establishing the Al Baraka International Bank in London. Since then and over the years, the British have dealt with the implementation of Islamic finance while avoiding any discussion of religious or cultural. The Islamic banking was regarded simply financial innovation, which emerged within the industry financial services. It is, in fact, avoided a law that was tied to a specific religious belief, maintaining the important principle of the one banking license, unlike other countries, as seen have opted instead for a dual banking system. The implementation process of an Islamic financial institution in the United Kingdom is therefore equal to that of any conventional bank. This is because it was considered appropriate not to introduce the category of the Islamic bank but only amend existing legislation to allow it to operate. Two issues have focused particular attention, the tax neutrality of Sharia compliant products and principle of protection of deposits. The first action to ensure a tax neutral to the two different financial systems were obtained with the "Finance Act" of 2003 and subsequent amendments in 2005. It 'was, in fact, first introduced the abolition of double stamp duty on property transactions similar to the Murabaha contract and then created the concept of "alternative financial income, which was given the same tax deductibility of interest expense. Without ever mentioning the names of Islamic contractual structures, the English legislature has defined the general concept, however, specifying precise conditions under which it is possible to include the main Islamic contracts. In this sense, was awarded to the fee estate or a un'Ijara Musharaka, the same tax deductibility of mortgage interest payments. As regards the protection of deposits, however, an important role was that of the Islamic Bank of Britain, established in 2004. In this respect the English law requires compulsory repayment that you have a deposit. However, as stated in the text, which is inconsistent with the basic principles of Islamic finance, which makes the reimbursement of business related to the result. The problem was easily overcome by the inclusion, in English law, some specific clauses in the contract of deposit. In Islamic Bank of Britain, in fact, iltitolare deposit investment is exposed to the risk that affected the value of the deposit. However, should this occur, the bank has the ability to mitigate the loss of the applicant, by reducing or waiving the collection of fees or drawing directly to a fund for the stabilization of profits. It 'important, however, stressed that the bank concerned is nevertheless obliged to offer the applicant a fee for the amount of loss. In case the applicant decides to accept the offer by the bank receiving the consideration for that loss, will no longer be considered to be consistent with Islamic principles. Con queste specifiche clausole si è riusciti a preservare sia il principio di partecipazione ai profitti e alle perdite sia quello di tutela dei depositi. L’istituzione dell’Islamic Bank of Britain ha favorito, inoltre, la nascita di una realtà operativa retail, che visti gli attuali due milioni di musulmani residenti nel paese, presenta un ottimo mercato domestico potenziale che chiede di essere seriamente considerato. Oggi, alcune conventional banks operanti nel paese, offrono ai clienti britannici un’ampia scelta di prodotti e servizi. Particolare interesse riscuotono l’investment banking, il project finance, il private banking e alcuni finanziamenti retail, soprattutto nella forma della Musharaka decrescente. In questa figura contract, the borrower gradually acquires the assets of the provider, a simultaneous payment of rent. The current twenty billion dollars in Sharia-compliant activities, make the UK market the eighth to the way Islamic financial center and the first in Western countries.

Canzano 16 - What are the objectives of the current UK Government on Islamic finance?

MASULLO - The objectives of the current UK Government on Islamic finance are clear and consist in maintaining the leading position of London as an international financial center, continuing to expand the range of financial products available to consumers and ensuring that none denied taking any financial asset, because of religious discrimination. The choice of English law, with respect to the principle of single banking license, appears to have indirectly influenced the choice common to most conventional financial institutions, the adoption of the "Islamic Windows". These handy window on the world of Islamic banking, would, in fact, a preliminary analysis of the actual application of the Islamic sector. The working formula, has been a key factor in the recent development of Islamic finance in the UK. In conclusion, the latest laws of the country's Islamic banking include the introduction of the possibility to amend the legislation on financial assistance through secondary legislation, so as to provide additional flexibility to the system. Just such flexibility should help the sector to achieve important objectives, Islamic, in terms of standardization of products and services, often missed in the past. The recent exponential growth of the sector and the problems arising from different interpretations of Sharia Scholars do not seem, in fact, it led to the standardization of English in the field of Islamic banking. The British government intends to remove the last technical obstacles impeding the release of 'Islamic bonds', financial products that comply with sharia, or Islamic law. The announced il Ministero del Tesoro; secondo molti banchieri islamici - nel Paese ci sono cinque banche islamiche - il Parlamento votera' il mese prossimo per definire i 'sukuk' come bond, piuttosto che come veicoli di investimento, e cio' favorira' lo sviluppo di questo mercato. Nel rispetto della legge islamica, i sukuk non prevedono il pagamento di interessi, ma dal punto di vista regolatorio sono stati finora difficili da classificare. Il provvedimento che il governo presentera' in parlamento ridurra' i costi legali e rimuovera' gli ostacoli alla loro emissione.Sarah McCarthy-Fry, sottosegretario al Tesoro ha spiegato che ''il governo intende migliorare la competitivita' del Regno Unito nei servizi finanzari mantenendo la posizione di leader nella finanza islamica internazionale, e facendo si' che chiunque, a prescindere dalla fede religiosa, abbia accesso a prodotti finanziari con prezzi competitivi.

Canzano 17 – In Europa quanti musulmani vi risiedono?

MASULLO - L’attuale popolazione musulmana del vecchio continente si aggira sull’ordine dei venti milioni di persone, la metà dei quali residenti nelle due grandi comunità francese e tedesca. Il primo paese europeo in termini di musulmani residenti è la Francia, anche se alcuni problemi di stima scaturiscono dal divieto di censire la popolazione della Repubblica francese in base al carattere religioso.

Canzano 18 – Cosa succede in Francia?

MASULLO - I sei milioni Muslims currently in the area are connected to the trans migration mainly from Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. France maintains, in fact, a strong economic and political influence in these countries, the result of its strong historical and cultural connections with the Arab world in general. Without considering the merits of social, some qualitative features of the Muslim population across the Alps are important: half the residents are Muslim French citizens to all intents and often it is immigration now second or third generation. These peculiarities, which increase exponentially the need for financial services applications, especially in real estate. All these considerations seem, therefore, justify the enormous interest in the field of Islamic finance by the government-Alpine, interest revived by the recent demand for licenses to operate in the country, from three of the most important Islamic financial institutions: The Qatar Islamic Bank, Kuwait Finance House and Al-Baraka Islamic Bank. In this regard, it seemed very positive opinion of the French Minister of Economy and Finance Christine Lagarde, aiming to issue the necessary authorizations already by 2010. In the field of Islamic finance, the stated objective of the French government is to vigorously implement the Sharia-compliant system, with a particolare al segmento wholesale che rappresenta il business principale del settore islamico a livello globale. In una prima fase si punterà, quindi, soprattutto ai settori dell’investment e corporate banking e, solo in un secondo momento, si svilupperà l’allettante segmento retail. Tale pianificazione mira a portare in Francia una quota significativa della liquidità orientale per competere, nel lungo periodo, con Londra, per la leadership del settore a livello europeo. L’obiettivo della leadership europea potrebbe sembrare poco realizzabile, visto l’attuale significativo svantaggio francese in materia di islamic banking ma, con una più attenta valutazione, considerando le posizioni di partenza e le potenzialità, se ne rivaluta la credibilità, almeno per quanto riguarda l’obiettivo di lungo periodo. In questa direzione, la Francia sta lavorando molto per recuperare il terreno perso cercando di suscitare interesse nella comunità finanziaria francese sviluppando una più approfondita conoscenza in materia. Al riguardo, un ruolo fondamentale è stato quello dei primi due forum nazionali sull’islamic banking. Nel primo, del 2007, si è infatti chiarito alla comunità finanziaria francese, quali potessero essere i risvolti positivi, in termini di attrattiva internazionale, dell’implementazione dell’islamic banking nel mercato parigino. Nel secondo, tenutosi l’anno passato si sono, invece, analizzate le variabili su cui work, so that the implementation of the Islamic sector can take place without problems. Currently, the French debate focuses on questions of policy and regulations, to make possible the necessary technical adjustments to the French legislation in order to reduce the typical tax and legal impediments to the development of Islamic finance. In this important first phase of implementation of the Islamic system, the Minister Lagarde, supported by a committee of financial experts, seems to want to forge a new path to implementation based on the needs of the French population. It 'was, in fact, the very strong Muslim community, through various associations, to push politics to a greater view of the sector in terms of useful reforms to introduce Islamic financial instruments. In this regard, in 2007, the French financial market authorities authorized the creation of collective investment schemes Sharia-compliant, licensed under the compliance with specific criteria such as investment in some sectors Halal application of financial ratios. In this regard, are excluded companies with total debt on the balance sheet of more than one third of their average market capitalization of last year. From a technical point of view, the square of Paris seems to provide the necessary skills to succeed in creating great synergies between Islamic and conventional system. The speed with cui l’islamic banking si svilupperà nel territorio francese, dipenderà molto, quindi, dall’operato del governo e da come questo settore innovativo verrà percepito dalla popolazione.

Canzano 19– E lo sviluppo del settore islamico in Germania?

MASULLO - Lo sviluppo del settore islamico in Germania, ha avuto invece, sorti differenti rispetto alla realtà francese. I cinque milioni di musulmani residenti nel territorio tedesco, per la maggior parte di origine turca, non sono riusciti a mantenere alto l’interesse del governo in materia. A tal proposito, nel recente passato, la Germania si era distinta per interventi pioneristici nell’islamic banking, come la prima emissione europea sukuk in 2004, an amount equal to one hundred million euro, which took place in the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt. This initiative, however, despite the positive response in terms of signing, has not found the right result, why not favored by the German policy, characterized by a progressive decline of interest in the Islamic sector, in contrast with other countries Europe. The lack of political interest in the field of Islamic banking seems to arise mainly from problems of education to address the market and the market. In the education market, the role of the German authorities seem at this stage, insufficient to support the development of the sector while the Islamic under the terms of the address of the market, many financial institutions are operating in Germany, working though, just beyond national borders. In this regard, the Bundesbank did not issue any licenses in this area, forcing all transactions made on the Sharia-compliant national territory to be organized in collaboration with foreign Islamic banks. The general lack of interest in political Teutonic, however, did not appear very limited amount of Arab investments in both the capital market is in real estate in Germany. In addition, the less discriminatory character of the German legal system to meet the needs of Islamic banking, aimed especially at the level of interference tax seems to have favored the growth of Islamic finance transactions, structured primarily as Sukuk, mudaraba and Musharaka. In conclusion, the strong Muslim component in Germany, its economic potential in the world and the effects of the recent financial crisis will only encourage the development of Islamic banking as a response to the needs of the resident Muslim community both as an alternative, in terms diversification for the entire German population. It is clear, therefore, as the current market share of Islamic finance in Germany is very far from her. The Arab investments in German real estate sector totaled more than EUR 400 million of assets in their possession and another 300 million are expected this year. potential, consider this, which helps to fuel the interest in the matter.

Canzano 20 - The Italian situation and the potential market for Islamic banking?

MASULLO - The history of Islam in Italy has deep roots that go back to 'the nineteenth century, a time when Sicily and other southern regions suffered the Arab rule for more than two centuries. Today, Italy is home to nearly a half million Muslims who represent more than thirty per cent of the foreign resident population and almost three percent of the national population. In terms of economic importance, it should be noted, moreover, as the six percent del Prodotto Interno Lordo italiano sia prodotto esclusivamente da immigrati e come le necessità finanziarie della popolazione islamica residente si siano evolute, parallelamente al più alto livello di integrazione raggiunto, verso più sofisticate tecniche economiche. Da bisogni finanziari base come le rimesse degli emigranti o i servizi di pagamento, si è passati a necessità di più lungo periodo, tipiche di una popolazione di seconda generazione che continua a crescere anche in termini di disponibilità economiche. Con il consolidamento della presenza sul territorio, la comunità islamica ha avviato operazioni di acquisto di proprietà immobiliari, sia private che commerciali, finanziate tramite strumenti bancari convenzionali o attraverso rare soluzioni mirate offerte da istituti di credito nazionali. A livello imprenditoriale, inoltre, nel territorio italiano si contano circa settantamila imprese avviate da cittadini musulmani che necessitano di una maggiore innovazione finanziaria. Lo sviluppo della finanza Shariah-compliant in Italia risponde, dunque, sia ad esigenze di investimento sia a quelle di risparmio da parte della collettività islamica presente a livello nazionale. Nonostante tali connessioni sia storiche che attuali, l’Italia resta uno dei pochissimi primari paesi europei a non aver ancora implementato il sistema finanziario islamico, diffuso ormai in tutte le principali piazze finanziarie globali. In Italia si nota però, un recente significativo interessamento in questo senso da is part of the market that the political system in general. Italian banks are, in fact, slowly becoming aware of the opportunities that the implementation of the Islamic sector offers competitive terms, including increased bank deposits, the potential synergies with the entire Arab world, the greater capacity of business internationalization and the powerful message of social inclusion. As evidence of this interest in the subject, in 2007 the Italian Banking Association and the Union of Arab Banks, namely the Arab banking industry as a whole, have signed a memorandum of intent, under which has been programmed active collaboration between parties. It 'was expected, In fact, a work approach and cooperation between the two banking systems to try to increase the already strong economic ties between Arab countries and the Mediterranean ones, above all Italy. In Italy was completed in 2006, the first Islamic financial transactions in Italy, a Murabaha applied to a real estate transaction in Pavia. Despite the undoubted symbolic value, this operation has proved very costly for the truth, given the persistence in Italy, the double stamp duty on Murabaha, due to the double dummy transfer of ownership of the property. Tax issue, this, common to other European countries. The second initiative in the field of Italian Muslim concerns implementation of a transaction and Ijara Wa Iqtina is requesting several months of legal and fiscal analysis to be able to satisfy the requirements of Shariah and those of the Italian Civil Code. Despite these individual examples, however, the banking industry have been greatly disadvantaged by the lack of a regulatory framework is essential for the development of the sector. The spread of Sharia-compliant financial instruments in Italy is definitely a need for the country's competitiveness and adaptation to the international trend, but their introduction and their use requires proper management and supervision for the many difficulties related both to their interpretation that their implementation.

Canzano 21 - What are issues related to the opening of an Islamic bank in Italy?

MASULLO - From a statutory point of view, the basic problem is the pattern of collection and the Islamic bank loan that requires no repayment obligation, must, however, in conventional banking systems. In fiscal matters, moreover, have many operational hurdles, such as double stamp duty on property transaction on a Murabaha structured and non-tax deductibility of financial expenses, an Ijara property. In this regard, the conceptually correct approach seems to be based on the tax treatment applied to the economic transaction and not legal standpoint. The British model mentioned earlier, having already faced and solved these problems, it can certainly serve as a model to inspire them. The choice of the British legislation does not define a party looking for, instead of framing flexibility with the phenomenon of Islamic banking in the existing regulatory framework, it seems, in fact, the most opportune time for European countries. For an initial analysis of existing conditions I consider that the implementation of an Islamic bank in Italy, the aim of all the initiatives listed above, can greatly promote the country as an additional channel for economic development and finance available to the public in the development of its economic with the neighboring Arab world. It seems necessary, infatti, vista la globale crisi di liquidità, promuovere investimenti nelle due direzioni ed intercettare una parte di surplus di risparmio proveniente dal mondo islamico. In conclusione, il posizionamento strategico dell’Italia, la sua fitta rete di piccole istituzioni finanziarie distribuite sul territorio e il più forte movimento di finanza etica in Europa, rendono l'Italia un candidato naturale per lo sviluppo del settore islamico. Ritengo, a questo proposito, che una volta risolti i problemi di carattere fiscale e normativo, l ' Italia potrà svolgere un ruolo centrale nel mediterraneo ; il paese infatti, oltre ad avere una bilancia commerciale di svariati miliardi di dollari con i paesi del Consiglio di Cooperazione del Golfo, svolge un ruolo chiave nel dialogo euro-arabo, rappresentando il paese del G7 più vicino al mondo arabo. L'interesse verso la finanza islamica si pone, dunque, come una questione di posizionamento strategico-politico, anche in relazione alla nascita dell'Unione per il Mediterraneo che punta a coinvolgere economicamente i quarantatre paesi del mediterraneo meridionale e orientale, attraverso la loro cooperazione in specifiche attività pubbliche e private.

Canzano 22– Resta sempre aperto il dibattito sulla compatibilità delle attività islamiche con l'attuale sistema di regolamentazione bancario italiano?

MASULLO - Sebbene il dibattito sulla compatibilità delle attività islamiche con l'attuale sistema di regolamentazione bancario italiano resti ancora aperto, la seconda direttiva UE sul settore bancario, grazie al principio del “mutuo riconoscimento” sembra facilitare, almeno in linea di principio, l'apertura di una banca islamica sul territorio italiano. L’utilizzo del passaporto bancario che permette ad un ente bancario autorizzato in un paese europeo di offrire prodotti in tutta l'Unione Europea senza la necessità di disporre di autorizzazione separata sembra, infatti, una valida alternativa in termini operativi. La situazione attuale, vede però, il persistere delle difficoltà del sistema bancario italiano, soprattutto nel confronto con un modello di intermediazione del credito basato su principi di natura religiosa. I prodotti finanziari e i concepts of Islamic finance remains little known even within the financial community and the Italian business. We note, however, about a strong increase in interest in the subject, focuses on the resolution of important issues in statutory interpretation, such as deposit insurance, and the legal characterization of the tax-Islamic activities. In conclusion, the various operations in Arabic program in Italy will serve as a driving force in the field of Islam. In this regard, the most important project concerns Palermo, where over two billion euro, the Limirless, a company in the UAE, aims to rehabilitate the historic center, developing the port and create new tourist areas. All this respect, of course, the principles of Sharia. PROFESSIONAL PROFILE

Born in 1964, BA in Economics and Master in Communication, Marketing and Finance, Knight of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and the Order 's rib of St. George, active in the financial sector since 1984, former Representative Shout at the Milan Stock Exchange, Consob authorized and registered with the NASD Broker in New York, specializes in consulting and asset management, securities and real estate, finance, business, tax planning, financial reporting and training. He started working in the company Financial Advisors SpA, founded by Pompey Locatelli, then, he has worked for over five years, at the University of Stockbrokers Leander Combi, founded in Milan in 1907, one of the most important in Italy. From 1995 until the sale in 2006, founder, chairman and major shareholder, Advisory Group, and financial intermediary under Article 106 TUB, authorized Italian Exchange Office, Opus Consulting SpA share capital € 625,000. Founding member in 1996 and is still secretary general ASSOCONSULENZA Italian Association of Investment Advisors, the first and only association recognized institution in Italy, is also a founding member in 2008 and secretary general of the Italian Association ASSOCREDITO Consultants Credit Bank e Finanziario di cui è presidente Luigi Pagliuca, già presidente del Collegio di Milano e Lodi dei Ragionieri Commercialisti . Rettore Università ISFOA di Lugano, autore di oltre 300 pubblicazioni e di 22 best sellers aziendali, di cui uno, nel 1998, adottato dall’Università Bocconi di Milano; opinionista presso i più importanti media di settore, quali CNBC Class Financial Network e Bloomberg Television, è stato chiamato come relatore, in Italia ed all’estero, da prestigiose istituzioni quali Marcus Evans, Istituto di Studi Bancari, ISTUD, IUAV Università di Venezia, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano; nel 2002 ha realizzato il primo libro dedicato al Consulente di Investimento. Autore nell' October 2001, the first text dedicated to Bahrain, is editorial director of the Swiss magazine's first Islamic finance, Shirkah Finance, making it one of the leading Italian expert in the field; editor of the magazine Internet Finance, is also deputy director of the magazine dedicated to luxury World & Pleasure Magazine and editorial director of Family Office: Family Heritage, the first Italian magazine multimedia, internet and print, specializing in the protection and preservation of family wealth. He has held management positions in consulting or banking groups, insurance, financial, industrial, such as, Norwich Union, CIM Banque, Izar Brogan, Henderson Investors, Fleming, Corner Bank, Lemanik, Nationale Nederland, Banca Popolare Commercio Industria, 81 SIM SpA Family Office, Prudential Life, Banca Popolare di Milano, Cassa di Risparmio di Cento, Cassa di Risparmio di Perugia, Banking Société Privée, Liberty Financial, FMG Fund Marketing Group , Credito Italian, IW Bank, ING Group, Dove Invest SIM, MPS Banca Personale.

giovanna.canzano @

Cm Before Period Starts

What humiliates a secular republic? Franco Cardini - 27/01/2010


On 2 July 1798 a young military, like it or not, is the one who gave meaning to the French Revolution and remains, thanks to his work as a secular legislator, one of the "historical Fathers" of Europe, landed in the port of Alexandria in Egypt and launched an astonishing proclamation, in which it was alleged that the Republic created by the Revolution and Islam rested on identical values \u200b\u200bof Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Beyond his genius demagogue (he was also something else), General Napoleon Bonaparte had a good knowledge of Islam, perhaps more than many politicians today, and not French. Then: He was wrong, and wrong now his countrymen who see in some traditions (albeit minority) of some Muslim groups have become a slur and a attack on those values?

The French republic in recent years is not new to experiments disguised as freedom-libertarian measures: it is already in place by the time the ban on the hijab veil simple head, almost a headscarf) in schools. The alibi was legal, in this case, that of "no more ostentatious signs of religious affiliation" means a standard ambiguous and dangerous. When does a cross or a Star of David around his neck becomes "ostentatious"? If you have an inch in diameter? Or two? Or five?

Now, it enacts a law which prohibits Muslim clothing full coverage (burqa and niqab), without even try the alibi ostentation: and much less - although that would be plausible - safety in the name of which you can ask anyone to show it openly as an element of immediate recognition. No. In this case, reference to the "values \u200b\u200bof the Republic". And the chairman of the committee responsible for declaring that the burqa and niqab are "just the tip of the iceberg" because it actually represents only one aspect of the repression of women's rights in Islam. It 'an old speech, but it is repeated uncritically, without ever giving it a shred of evidence dogmatic assumption according to which Muslim women, se potessero, insorgerebbero in blocco per sbarazzarsi di quegli odiati indumenti. Al contrario. E’ sempre più frequente imbattersi – piaccia o no – in donne musulmani giovani, istruite, magari carine, che adottano l’uso di quegli indumenti o che, pur non portandoli, ne difendono la legittimità. Capita sempre piu spesso di leggere e di ascoltare difese della copertura integrale per nulla retrograde e reazionarie, ma al contrario intelligenti e spiritose: dove per esempio si rimprovera alle “occidentali” la schiavitù costituita dall’ostentazione continua a tutti delle loro grazie, l’implicito mercimonio che in essa è presente, lo stress derivante dal dover esser sempre belle e ordinate anche when you go to the market compared to the freedom of a beautiful burqa worn quickly for five minutes, in which maybe one is in tights and curlers.

Exaggerations? Not really. In Muslim countries are mounting a fierce and serious feminist movement that aims at something else: and that in fact defends the traditional garments. As for the values \u200b\u200bof a "secular republic" which paradoxically protects the right to public lewdness, but punishes the assault, it must be said clearly that the true secularism is not to ban religious symbols and attitudes, but in enabling and protecting all conduct will not preclude the coexistence and the exercise of the rights of others. And impose on others their own royalties by supporting a priori the moral "superiority" is not secularism. E 'arrogance.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Biggest Great White Shark Caught In The World

Ortega y Gasset - 2

How Much Does A Washer And Dryer Weigh

Semblanza de José Ortega y Gasset, philosopher

Friday, January 15, 2010

How Do You Contract Folliculitis



Sui fattacci di Rosarno anche la stampa più bieca e razzista è stata costretta a prendere le parti degli immigrati (“Hanno ragione i negri”, ha the Journal titled, 9 / 1), worked to the bone for the famous work "Italians do not want to do," forced to live in cardboard houses, and to make matters worse, I took even buckshot. And it is absolutely hypocritical to call them "blacks" in politically correct language, as the left if they are then taken from "Negro" which is the ironic title of Felt.

However, when analyzing the causes of this migration is now the Bible, leading to situations like Rosarno in Europe and the United States, the Western press is always, and not innocently, on the surface. They say that they are attracted by Bellure of our development model. Now, there is no immigrant who does not have at least one mobile phone and is not able to tell the folks back home that "eave and tears of blood that" this model for everyone, especially for those, like immigrants, is the latest wagon wheel.

is then said they were forced to come here and make a living as slaves because of poverty and hunger that torments their countries. And this is true. But it does not explain why these mass migrations have begun only in recent years and is increasing exponentially. At the bottom of ships existed before and even inflatables. The fact that immigrants from Africa are predominantly black Rosarno gives us the opportunity to explain it.

Western public opinion, partly because of its systematic disinformatia media, is convinced that hunger is endemic in Africa, which has always existed. Not so. In the early twentieth century had grocers self-Saharan Africa. It was still, essentially (98%) in 1961. But it began to be attacked by the pervasiveness of the pattern of industrial development in search of new markets, as poor because its saturation point, the situation is worse. Self-sufficiency has fallen 89% in 1971 to 78% in 1978. To find out what happened after the statistics are not necessary, just look at the dramatic images that reach us from the Continent Nero o anche osservare a cosa siano disposti i neri africani, Rosarno docet, pur di venir via.

Cos'è successo? L'integrazione nel mercato mondiale ha distrutto le economie di sussistenza (autoproduzione e autoconsumo) su cui quelle popolazioni avevano vissuto, e a volte prosperato, per secoli e millenni, oltre al tessuto sociale che teneva in equilibrio quel mondo (come è avvenuto in Europa agli albori della Rivoluzione industriale quando il regime parlamentare di Cromwell, preludio della democrazia, decretò la fine del regime dei “campi aperti” (open fields), cosa a cui le case regnanti dei Tudor e degli Stuart si erano opposte per un secolo e mezzo, buttando così milioni di contadini alla fame pronti per andare a farsi massacrare nelle filande e nelle fabbriche così ben descritte da Marx ed Engels).

Oggi, nell'integrazione mondiale del mercato, nella globalizzazione, i Paesi africani esportano qualcosa ma queste esportazioni sono ben lontane dal colmare il deficit alimentare che si è venuto così a creare. E quindi la fame.

Senza per questo volerlo giustificare il colonialismo classico è stato molto meno devastante dell'attuale colonialismo economico. Fra i due c'è una differenza sostanziale, di qualità. Il colonialismo classico si limitava a conquistare territori e a rapinare materie prime di cui spesso gli indigeni non sapevano che farsi, ma poiché le due comunità rimanevano separate e distinte little changed for the colonized that, apart from the fact that you have on your head fuckers, continued to live as they had always lived, according to their history, traditions, customs, social, economic.

The economic colonialism, however, needs to capture markets and to do so must approve the African people (like other so-called Third World) to our way of life, our customs, possibly also to our institutions (the creation State, for the bargain democratic or falsely democratic, had a disruptive impact on tribal societies), to bend them to our consumers. In Africa we see blacks with RayBan (with those eyes!) And mobile phones, which cost nothing, but no food. Because food does not go where you need it, it goes where there's money to buy it. Go to the pigs of the rich Americans and, in general, livestock in industrialized countries, although 66% of world cereal production is destined for animal feed in rich countries (FAO data).

And now we are putting even China, a new entry in this game murderess, who buys, with the complicity of corrupt rulers, entire regions of Black Africa the production, and food does not go to places, worse, exploited immigrant Rosarno, but ends in Beijing and surrounding areas. But the invasion of the dominant development model has also further consequences, nearly as severe hunger. Uprooted, made eccentric with respect to their own culture that is over in the corner, serving a heavy loss of identity. To this must be the fierce inter-tribal wars that we have seen, with horror hypocritical, in recent decades. Why the wars in Africa, albeit with the obvious exception of a thousand-year history, had always been a minority compared to the peaceful settlement between its thousands of ethnic groups (J. Reader, "Africa", Mondadori, 2001).

And so between hunger, poverty, war, displacement, destruction of their habitat, forced to live with the material shows the industrialized world (you go to Lagos, Nairobi or in any other African capital) the blacks migrate to the center of the Empire seeking a better life. Or just a life. And our "aid", even when they are hairy, not only failed to stop the phenomenon of hunger and poverty in Africa and elsewhere, as evidenced by the recent FAO summit held in Rome, but the aggravated because they tend to further integrate people in the Third World in the single world market, so even more tightening the noose around their neck. Some countries and Third World intellectuals had understood in advance. About twenty years ago, simultaneously with the regular meetings of G7 (then there was the G7), the seven poorest countries of the world, led by the African Benin, organized a controversial controsummit the cry: "Please do not help us more." But were not heard. (Source:

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"do not believe you!" A NEWSPAPER CALLS IN GERMAN ECONOMIC DEBATE L '11 / 9, Banlieu


The German business magazine "Focus Money "(No. 2 / 2010), deals with a detailed narrative of 9 / 11 and put radically into question the official version. We are talking about the second week of a nation's economic economically stronger Europe, a magazine published by a German publishing giant, the group of Hubert Burda. The

signor Burda è un insigne esponente della superclasse globale, un editore-intellettuale di primissimo piano nell’establishment germanico: è leader della VDZ, la “confindustria degli editori”, nonché cofondatore dell’analogo sindacato su scala europea, ma è anche membro del Consiglio del World Economic Forum e ha partecipato perfino a riunioni dell’esclusivo Club Bilderberg.

L’uscita di questo articolo è dunque degna di attenzione: è la prima volta che un giornale così ben inserito nel mainstream occidentale si cimenta nel raccontare in modo talmente critico i lati più scomodi dell’evento che ha dato l’impronta al secolo, l’11 settembre.

"Focus Money", exposes the most crucial issues and contradictions in five glossy pages. Among other issues addressed, the article assumes that the collapse of the World Trade Center may have been a deliberate demolition.

addition, the article raises serious doubts about the "madness" attributed to personality criticisms, which are commonly stigmatized as "conspiracy theorists". The magazine points out that "it is not only serious politicians who do not want to believe the official version," but also "thousands of scientists who question the 11 / 9."

The author Oliver is Janice. He works as a freelance investigative journalist for the Financial Times Deutschland "," Sueddeutsche Zeitung "," Euro & Finance "and has a regular column for" Focus Money ".

Janice explains in his blog that has struggled for many years to convince the drafting of the need to publish these five pages. He wonders why the mainstream quietly hang in there, and try to answer: do not need a big media conspiracy to prevent them from publishing such stories, especially for large events. Every editor, according to Janice, has the fear of incurring the shame of repeating the injury of fake Hitler diaries, which greatly damaged in 1983 the weekly magazine "Stern". Janice describes this reluctance of his colleagues, to do with the size of the event, until, looking at the facts, my colleagues note that it is wrong not to ask questions. And so was born also Article 9 / 11.

The first page of the article shows photos of personality skeptical on '11 / 9 "official", "including Charlie Sheen, Sharon Stone, Rosie O'Donnell, William Rodriguez (next to George W. Bush), the 'Former Governor Jesse Ventura, Richard Gage, the German Federal Judge Dieter Deiseroth and many others.

The rest of the article is full of references to a lot of information. The test of a controlled demolition of buildings, critical theory of the fire, questions about the interceptors on Building 7 WTC and the Pentagon. It speaks of the "flight maneuvers impossible," the resignation of Senator Max Cleland, who is quoted in saying "It's a scam, a national scandal," outraged by the tide of lies to the Commission, which has hampered the investigation. It also makes mention of the mysterious death of Barry Jennings, a senior official of the Department of Emergency Services of the City of New York. He was a key witness of what happened to Building 7. Still covered with dust, Jennings was interviewed live on ABC and then later in time for the documentary "Loose Change Final Cut" directed by Dylan Avery.

Just a few months ago, in early September, there was already a fair and balanced article about 9 / 11 in a German weekly TV.

The reasons for the article's publication of "Focus Money" is to understand. Maybe the editorial staff has independently decided to publish a story in itself interesting, now also a journal of that size is difficult to "give" to mean "alternative." And so a case could be tied to business decisions quotas.

can not be ignored, however, that the publication falls in a time when all the rhetoric has taken effect linked to al-Qa'ida in the wake of the strange pseudo-attack on the pant Boom Amsterdam-Detroit flight. That rhetoric is used liberally by the U.S. to support a renewed war effort in Afghanistan. Germany, too militarily involved in that area and very reluctant to expose themselves with more soldiers might be interested in starting to discredit the story background, starting from 9 / 11. Something similar has happened in Japan with the changing of the guard in the government, where the Japanese Democratic Party openly challenge the official version of the U.S. government on 9 / 11 and calls into question the ability to justify intervention in Afghanistan.

It may happen that the editors feel freer to report the doubts that had never dared to publish first, because they feared the chain of radical demands which they dragged with them in the power structure. Even within the ruling classes may open some debate about the fate of the world and not only military solutions. (Source:

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di Pino Cabras, quattro anni dopo e nulla è cambiata

Source: The Fact Daily

January 11, 2010

Sarkozy promised to "clean up" neighborhoods, but still reign unemployment, poverty and youth distress

Gianni Marsilli

Four years ago the great flame, the revolt in the banlieues, the burning of schools, gymnasiums, street furniture, buses, machines, and nightly pitched battles with squads of riot police, around Paris, Toulouse, Lyon, Strasbourg.

lasted throughout the autumn of 2005, if not escaped the dead man was a true, great miracle. "Paris Burning," headlined the world press, while they worked out an army of bewildered francesissimi hooded teenagers, blacks and North Africans, who kept in check the general Sarkozy, then Minister of the Interior, that he had insulted them by promising to "clean up" those districts how to clean a stall or a bath, with scrubbing brushes and buckets of bleach. Since then, the suburbs do not open more foreign news headlines, barely glimpsed in national ones.

It takes a student who kill someone because that burst onto the scene, or a shootout between rival gangs, or stabbed during the time a teacher of mathematics, things like that. Domestic dramas on time as a Chinese torture, just to keep alive the memory and attention: the autumn of 2005, in fact, nothing has changed. Sociologists, teachers, warned the fire is not extinguished, the fire smoldering.

The front, as on a military map, runs at the edges of Zus, acronym for "sensitive urban zones". Are 470, include four and a half million inhabitants. To maintain it, Sarkozy has had the foresight to call someone who grew up in those neighborhoods, which of those guys know the jargon, the roughness, the confused and great vitality: Fadela Amara. The Minister has done with the mission to remove the fuel tank of violence, to introduce work projects, sporting, social, civic-mindedness.

But a month ago the national observatory that deals Zus gave his verdict: the universe of the banlieues is essentially motionless, as five, as ten years ago. Indeed, it is even worse.

few figures to understand. The first, a disgrace to the country: 44.3 percent of children under 18 residing in Zus live below the poverty line, set at € 908 per month per household. In total, 33 percent of the population of Zus is below € 900 per month, compared with 12 percent of the national average. Unemployment has risen, indeed exploded in 2008, the eve of the economic crisis: 17.9 percent, twice that in the rest of the country. But it gets worse, more treacherous and cancer: the 41.7 percent of males between 15 and 24 years are unemployed. Do not go to school even more, just hangs. Pendant

the streets, on the stairs of the barracks, the Gare du Nord, around the supermarket. Art hangs without or part, is unleashed on fixed dates, December 31 and July 14, national holiday, burning tens of thousands of cars: 40 000 last New Year's Eve. Shines like a light at the end of the tunnel a figure that reveals a universe from the path still karst indecipherable: the employment of girls the same age, from 15 to 24 years, has been increasing markedly. In 2009 it passed below the threshold of 30 percent, and the trend remains positive.

Masters and truck drivers, of course, they trust the most, put in test taking. Do not wear the cap, the girls, and they look away with the performances of their macho peers. But the future, unfortunately, not decline soltanto al femminile.

Fadela Amara si difende, chiede fette di bilancio più consistenti, rivendica cantieri di rinnovamento urbano, episodi di rilancio economico qua e là, pungola il premier François Fillon che ha promesso "una larga concertazione" per il 2010. Ma nel frattempo le banlieue languono, s’intristiscono, s’incattiviscono. Non tutte, ma troppe per considerare rimarginata quella ferita aperta negli anni ’60, quando la Francia chiese braccia muscolose e a poco prezzo per il suo rilancio industriale. Quelle braccia non servono più da un paio di generazioni.

E’ una storia d’immigrazione, come quella di Rosarno anche se di genesi, drammaturgia e sociologia molto diverse. Even in the suburbs because we live badly, very badly, but you live. It is ill-treated by the authorities, but they always figure on the agenda of all governments, whether right or left them to be. In Calabria quell'ex mill but no, you do not live. And the government of the peninsula does not have concerns, if not in terms of "illegal immigrants".

Saturday, January 2, 2010

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Multiculturalism, Iman Kasem


With multiculturalism debemos entender el termino a manera de aproximación Conocimiento of the Otro de la realidad the human and cultural diversity is expressed in the infinite and rich variety of peoples, cultures and races that make up humanity. Facing the "clash of civilizations" presented by contemporary thinkers such as Samuel Hutington, thought multicultural understanding of others proposed as a means and method of fertilization in the human adventure of learning. If Western thought has always been characterized by an ethnocentric and exclusionary tinged messianic salvation to the people who considered backward, barbaric and savage, the multicultural approach instead promotes dialogue between different cultures in which each interacts with another at the same level so that the meeting be a mutual enrichment and not an imposition of values \u200b\u200band attitudes, which may be very suitable and appropriate for a particular civilization but that may not be exportable to other human groups. Only an approach where dialogue is established between "equal" today can lead humanity to an exit passageway in which violence is embedded. The phenomenon of "colonialism" of Western civilization is the historical antithesis of multicultural thinking, the old "colonialism" of the nineteenth century has now acquired new nuances, new faces, but no less aggressive and harmful to non-Western peoples , or villages in the so-called "third world", colonialism far from trying to add value to those people with whom she is related, they have played in economic plunder and the acculturation of them. This has been due to two main factors, the first of them trying to secure the so-called civilized world energy resources of the "third world" to continue unchecked development, and the second, and not least, the belief Western man that their values \u200b\u200band attitudes to life have a "universal" nature and end point of the development of any civilization other than his own, so, the Western view the world is a vision "monochromatic" where there is no space to enrich themselves with the values \u200b\u200bgiven by the different peoples of mankind. However, in history we have two examples close in space teach us that another way is possible to approach others, I refer in particular to the historical development of the peoples of the Mediterranean basin and in the case of civilization developed in Andalusia few centuries ago, in one case as in another, trade, cultural and scientific, gave birth to two of the greatest civilizations ever known to history, in particular in the Mediterranean basin occurs all ideas flow a todos los niveles que harán posible el nacimiento y desarrollo de toda la civilización que conocemos hoy en día, allí surge la escritura, el desarrollo agrícola, el arte, etc. Todos estos valores culturales son exportados a occidente vía Andalucía y al resto de Europa, y todo ello fue posible gracias a una mentalidad en la que predominaba la idea de intercambio cultural como medio de enriquecimiento mutuo. En el caso de al-Andalus, no cabe la menor duda de cómo el intercambio de ideas que se produjo en esos ocho siglos en los que convivieron diversos colectivos humanos de pensamiento, produjo una de las civilizaciones más ricas que la humanidad jamás haya conocido.

Hoy en día en la llamada “aldea global ", in a globalized world by technology and by interdependence, the phenomenon of immigration and population movements, are a new opportunity for the world called" civilized "is enriched by the cultural contributions of diverse peoples to Europe to arrive with their cultural backgrounds, Muslims, American, Oriental, in the West seek a solution to their precarious living conditions in their home countries, Europe has two options to this fact, moreover unstoppable, or refuse and equipment behind of the defensive walls and continue to defend its values \u200b\u200bas unique and universal, or on the contrary, a fruitful dialogue and sincere "you a tú” con el Otro, esto no significa pérdida de los valores de identidad de cada pueblo, porque en la diversidad está la riqueza, mientras que en los sistemas homogéneos y monolíticos no hay mas que pobreza y miseria de pensamiento.