Sunday, December 19, 2010

Germany's Country Foods

Eat! Nas do

pranzo-di-natale_2 Just to please those who say that I only speak about serious things (and also those who think otherwise) I can announce that today I decided to eat what to do for Christmas. And do not say that you do not care because they do not believe it!

A Christmas here in the family will " the secret friend," a game very legal where, once they are written the names of all participants on the slip of paper, they are folded and put in a container. Then each person should take a piece of paper, read the name but do not tell the darkened people (this is the friend secret) and therefore must make a gift to the person who has been fishing. In this way, each person will receive a gift, without exception, and without spending as a share in Italy, where I had to make a gift to my mother, sister, to each grandchild, friends, relations, etc..

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

How To Make Ballet Slippers With Gumpaste

Profundezas Prison

SBT_BRANCO a video to share, to show who does not know these things. A video that makes you think that is scary, causing unpleasant sensations. A video showing a reality that we do not want to know.

It 'true that people who are in that place raped or killed innocent people, but like I said some time ago, there is a limit to everything. The fact is that you will see that the situation is not an isolated case, but I think it represents the majority of Brazilian prisons, although I hope it is not.

Not that the situation in Italy is the best, but at this level do not think so.

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Should I Be Afraid Of Bunyon Surgery

There is no limit

lavoro E 'from 8.00 that I'm working and I stopped just under an hour to eat something. I still have a job to finish and have one for tomorrow. And I'm sure that before tonight I will be more work to do. As if that were not enough to prepare safe I dinner (but I like that). Which means that tonight, like a year now, at ten or eleven am still here working on the computer. I do not know how long I can not see a movie or television program.

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Get A Full Head Weave

Hello to all!
Today we are precisely in mid-December ... Outside it's cold but you will agree with me that this is the most magical months of the year ^ _ ^ How nice!
I return home to write on to note that the 8 I did the Christmas market in Giaveno. It 'was my second market and once again was a wonderful experience. It is true ... so cold ... but many, in fact many emotions! A special thanks to my friend and colleague Alexandra, who shared with me this wonderful day. She too is creativity in person ... Fotina a place here in our banquet so in addition to my jewelry, you can also see what comes from his hands! For other photino go on the album!
Kisses and soon, Jo

Friday, December 10, 2010

Old Corrugated Containersprices

Zombies in Love

Andrea By Sadek Eagle

Metamorphosis! Training

A 'illustration of 4, on the Tarot and the basic theme of the technology.
Soon I'll post the others!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Rash Amoxicillin Mono Strep

The country of the old year-end report

cittabbando reading some blog posts Brazilians seems that Italy is a country destroyed by now, almost at the end of the world, with gray and old houses and palaces, desolate streets, the sky still gray and without color and inhabited only by old and older. Some of you children have disappeared from Italy, just like the dinosaurs or good manners. But this is what you see? E ' così che vedete l’Italia? E poi dicono che siamo noi a essere un popolo triste e deprimente!

Voi non vedete bambini giocare per strada perché a noi italiani non piace che i nostri figli giochino per la strada. Preferiamo che giochino in casa, un luogo più sicuro per loro, più controllato. Provate a chiedere a una mamma italiana perché non lascia giocare i propri figli nella strada. Molto probabilmente vi risponderà “ Ma non sono mica degli zingari! Hanno una casa e una famiglia e non devono giocare per strada!” Non so se questo sia giusto oppure no, ma credetemi, è solo per questo motivo che non vedete bambini per la strada. O quasi.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Is It Illegal To Drive Without My License On Me

Un paio di studi di personaggi.
 Immergerli in un ambiente e dargli vita nello spazio di un' illustrazione.

 Condivido il pensiero di Domestici che ne preferisce uno il più completo possibile al solito studio statico con testoni di profilo e tre quarti seguiti da figura intera del personaggio.

Dovrei stare a disegnare, ad allenarmi... almeno 10 ore al giorno m'è stato detto. Invece sto qui a pensare cosa scrivere sul blog.
E' che sono vittima della solita, immancabile, scarsa presenza di MOTIVAZIONE!

A presto belli..

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Fuuny Basketball Cakes


Amo usare la matita, ma non va molto d' accordo con lo scanner... specie se sono copie fatte fare in copisteria.

La qualità è scarsa e dal vivo rendono molto di più.

E' ora di farsi uno scanner!

Small Blood Spots On Chest


È somma degli eventi svantaggiosi,
concetto indimostrabile o sentenza,
secondo alcuni maghi delle scienza,
la frustrazione dei superstiziosi

perché secondo calcoli fumosi
la relazione causa - conseguenza
ha un suo variare in base alle tendenza
che ognuno ha nella propria autoipnosi.

Ma riportando in mente quantomeno
la storia del bicchiere rinomato
che appare mezzo vuoto o mezzo pieno

dopo aver tracannato in un sol fiato
il prelibato nettare o il veleno
sarà la sorte a dir se sei sfigato.

Augusto Picci

Happy Journey My Best Friend Text Sms

Block all!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Can You Do Transfers On A Laser Printer

italia-01 The end of the year is always a period where there are reports and charts on the life, work and society in his country. In fact, just recently came out two very important reports on Italy, precisely 44 th Report on the social situation of the country developed by CENSIS ( Research Center for Social Investment) and Rank Quality of Life sponsored by The Sole 24 Ore .

begin with the first, and I must say that the news is certainly positive (but some expected the opposite?).

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

How Do You Adjust Reebok Bands

Itália - Cidades do bem viver

globo-reporter-1 Yesterday on Globo Reporter has provided a great service to Italy, or rather, at the lifestyle of some Italian cities. In this service, as well as show some geographical beauties such as Liguria (Region I adore), architectural attractions such as Florence and Strudel (but have you tried to eat a REAL strudel Trentino, perhaps still warm, accompanied by a vanilla cream and maybe a nice cool glass of muscat?), we talked mainly of how to live slower, less frenetic in other countries, and that this is a pleasure in every sense. And of course as this more relaxed do good to people, both, physically and psychologically.

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Friday, December 3, 2010

Is Midol A Muscle Relaxer?

Television and elegance

0,,21056394-EX,00 Excuse me, I know I'm saying a big bobagem , but the presenters Brazilians know that there are jackets and ties? I say this because, apart from the news wires, most of the other presenters, who are journalists or not, and always use only jeans, shirts and tennis shoes.

nothing to say against this type of clothing, but I think something is walking with friends along a beach sipping a good cerveja , another thing is to conduct a television program seen by millions people. I admit to being very chato in these things but I think the form is important when it comes to exposing himself in front of others.

This is not to criticize the professionalism and the skill of those conductors. All are very good and I really like the way they conduct or give a news broadcast. But a touch of elegance would be nice!

I do not want Tiago & Co.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Birthday Verse For Cards Gran


massimo di lecce_vecche tradizioni I am curious by nature and sometimes I like to go read other blogs to see what they write (not to copy, but only for an innate curiosity) . One of the negative statements that make us Italians that I find more often is that we are very attached to their traditions, that we can not evolve, that we are bound to the past.

Apart from that we Italians have thousands of years of history and not a few hundred as some countries, and then more precisely for this reason we are bound to our past, what harm is there in the traditions?

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Wet Cervical Fluid 9 Dpo

Thanks to all of you that do not play ...

speak good of Italy.

This is intended as a small thank you for all those Brazilians who, though living far from home, appreciate all the good things there are in Italy. Why yes, believe it or not, Italy is not all ruim ! Come ho già detto una volta, questo blog è nato per colpa di mia moglie, che fin dall’inizio affermava che gli italiani erano tutti metidos e maleducati, perlomeno più dei brasiliani, anche se poi ho scoperto che il termine esatto è grosseiros , non maleducati (e mi viene spontaneo chiedere per quale motivo abbia sposato un italiano, ma lasciamo perdere). Come se non bastasse, sempre all’inizio, trovavo molti brasiliani che parlavano molto male di noi italiani, a volte con giusta ragione e altre no. Inoltre mia figlia è molto orgogliosa di essere brasiliana, e ogni giorno in casa ogni scusa è buona per fare a gara di chi è migliore, se l’Italia o il Brasile ( brincar course).

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What Should My Psychology Paper Topic Be On

them bells! About

20101124081323337552a Look how strange the world and im like everyone sees things differently: in my previous post I wrote that one of the things I miss the most Italy was the sound of the bells of many churches that exist in the city (just next to me c'enerano four). It was something that took me from my birth and I've always found it enjoyable. I like the sound of the bells and did not give me any trouble (and if you think that in Italy the bells are rung every half hour with a touch, then they are played in the hours, then the masses and celebrations such as funerals, etc. etc. you can well understand that the church bells ring in the Bel Paese often). But I liked!

In Brazil, however, the bells just do not like!

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How To Implement Licensing

too much and some nothing!

imagesCACQJKXK I read today on Corriere della Sera : Lula, flooded with gifts, is in danger of suffocation!

From the looks of the current President of Brazil has received during his eight years in office, about 760 thousand gifts! Pearl precision 760,440! And of course there is something for all tastes, from a sword of red gold with diamonds, rubies and emeralds given to him by Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud to a kitchen blender received a few days ago by two anonymous citizens. Not to mention 80,000 (you read that right: eighty thousand) 642,977 paintings and documents (including letters, film and photo).

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sony Recorder Vcr/dvd/hdd

10 things that make me angry!

Rabbia Long ago, surfing on the internet as always, I came across a blog where he spoke of as "Italian fazer um morrer de Raivo" . I found it very funny and take the opportunity to say what really makes me die of rabies:

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Chevy Cobalt Power Steering

Due to a wardrobe ... ...

200px-Hospital_Regional_Sorocaba After nearly a month of silence (I have just moved, sorry) and after talking quite well in Brazil we are going to tell a fact that most of ' absurd (indeed, we remove the almost ). A

Sorocaba is a very large hospital that covers 48 Municipalities (cities) of homonymous region, the Regional Hospital. In addition to being important to the vast area that covers just a full-blown hospital equipped with all facilities to deal with all kinds of diseases, from flu to cancer.

(At this point I open a parenthesis to say that in this hospital, when my mother had to do a CT scan, they also ushered me into the room with her because I had to calm her and keep her head steady - she was very nervous. Of course, no protection for me. And in the Holy House of Votorantim, when my mother had to do an X-ray on his arm, I had to go with her to keep the limb still. And again I had no protection against radiation. But in this country security is not the strong point.)

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wells Fargo Arena Arizona Detailed Seat Map

Searching bakers

stor_12462747_35260 Reports part of a story read in the Corriere della Sera, which speaks of a lack of professionals in Italy. In this article

states: "... do not install windows, bakers, confectioners, tailors and carpenters, but also cooks for Italian companies in 2010 will be difficult to find 26.7% of professionals which they need is what emerges from a study of Confartigianato that processes data from the 2010 Excelsior Value-Unioncamere whereby compared with about 550,000 new jobs planned for the year companies will be hard pressed to cover more than 147,000 seats. "

"Despite the crisis economy and rising unemployment, especially youth, then there are crafts for which the workplace is substantially secured and this is mainly for activities typically craft. Of about 1,500 new installers of fixtures required for companies - says the research - they are missing more than 83%, while bakers craft (especially strenuous activity for at night) is difficult to cover 39.4% of 1040 new posts. Any activity without considering the great demand as a nurse, Confartigianato, looking at their companies, said the lack of ice cream and pastry (missing 29.1% of the 1,750 sought by the business) but also tailors craft and cutters (missing 21.9% of the 1,960 required by specialist companies). Also difficult to find beauticians and hairdressers (21% of empty seats) and skilled carpenters (19.8% missing). Less complicated to find bartenders (missing 14.2% of 7,030 available seats) and waiters (it is empty 14.1% of seats offered by companies). "

" For young people in fact are very attractive so-called "places feet 'or those manuals and typically without a desk. Missing 13.3% of the 26,900 companies and builders asked the butcher for the seats that remain empty are 10.3%. And if, as pointed out yesterday, the Labour Minister Maurizio Sacconi, the market is still an "opaque" for the chance to see the offers available and the profiles of the companies is that of 'knowledge' the best way to get into business. According to the study that elaborates on this Confartigianato Istat the help of friends, relatives and friends was crucial for entry into the work of 55.3% of those aged between 15 and 34 new employees. The request addressed to the employer covered the 16.6% of new hires and 6.8% joined the company through advertisements in print and web search. 6.1% of young new workers began a self-employed and 4% was made known to the company through an internship or a traineeship. 3.8% of new recruits has been reported by schools and universities, while 3.1% went through a job agency. The public employment offices were decisive only for the 1, 5% of newly employed young people. Have passed through "other channels" for 2.9% of new hires (Ansa source). "

Things we already knew, and it is also why there are so many immigrants in Italy, because Italians have not been more willing to do certain jobs. That could be a chance for those who can do these jobs and wants to move to Italy, but think again, because the life of an immigrant is not at all easy.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Traveler's Choice Luggage Combination Lock

As a first approach I feel fairly satisfied with the color .. I find them quite dull colors, 'the acquarellosità "of ecoline allows a wide range of colors and shades that I still have to hold off, the fact remains that I enjoyed very much! I can not wait 'time to get back to fuck up some other subject .. About
subject, the theme of 'illustration does not make sense, say that I kept in mind that the' tutorial covers the warm colors, so why not draw a similRat-Man about to launch his final blow against the bad guy , seriously hurt in the face by a flamethrower, all immersed in uno sconquassato scenario futuristico post-battaglia?
:D ahahah
alla prossima!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Clear Urine After Drinking Water

Hello to you all!
I return to my home to present a new idea ... pins!
This is my second piece ... was made with chains, white pearls, black pearl, bright nickel silver crystals and lovely little heart! And what I think gives a special touch to the piece are the cups with large leaves:)
These pins, applied to clothes and bags can turn any simple head! Just try it;)
big kiss and see you soon!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Retirement And Horse Sayings